Remote working revolution!

  Work revolution is coming!

We are now in 21th century - in Sci-Fi literature and movies our times supposed to be highly advanced in terms of technology, internet and virtual reality. Some of such predictions already happened, some are yet to come.   

source: Wikimedia Commons

Why I am mentioning this Sci-Fi in post about remote work? I strongly believe that this is next step in a way distributed teams will be working all around the world - it's the future of how we will do our tasks in growing world of global network and big corporations.   

Currently remote working is still more Sci-Fi than reality 

source: Wikimedia commons

Even if today you can work remotely, it's still not so popular. Big companies prefer open space offices, where all you get is lack of privacy, constant noise and high stress - not mentioning costs for such office or traffic jams and it's effect on environment. There are many myths regarding remote working that we all have to deal with in order to understand the profits of working from home.   

How it works for me 

I am writing this post not only because I am strong fan of remote work and I believe that it will evolve our future, but mostly because I work remotely already for 6 years. First I started side-job by freelancing (in my spare time), then headhunters approached me with different offers - one of them was standing out, because they offered me fully remote position and salary that was not even close to those you can get in my local area.    

During those 6 years I evolved from regular employee to management position, where I have team of 15 people right now - and some of them were convinced as well to join my way of work - by working from home.    

Is typical big office open space still sounds interesting nowadays? 

source: Wikimedia commons

My team of 15 people I mentioned above is located all around the world. We have great specialists working in different cities of Poland, India and Switzerland. In big corporation environment, there are lots of different IT teams that are connected with each other with some processes - those teams are also distributed across different locations, which makes it even more complex to meet them in person - and in fact, it's no longer needed. We have the pleasure to live in technological revolution times where amazing opportunities arise, things that were not possible are now reality.

Modern "face to face" tools 

When I was starting my career years ago in a galaxy far, far away - there was no such thing as webinars, online video chats and Internet was only reachable by call-in modems. Sometimes you spent several minutes just to download single document or low quality picture from internet. I think that most remote working myths were born at that times and somehow it survived up until today, through these all revolutionary technologies that are now daily used by almost everyone.   

To talk with any of my employees (or all of them) I am no longer limited to conference rooms that are occupied all the time, we simply connect whenever we want using tools like Skype for Business. It no longer matters if my colleague is in the same city or thousands kilometers away in India - everyone has the same level of social access to anyone in our team and location no longer matters. Thanks to this - even if my coworker is on different part of the world, he feels connected to entire team just as he would be working with us from the same city.   

Why there are remote work enemies and you might be one of them?   

There is a big chance than by reading this post you already have many doubts and questions to ideas and topics I've mentioned here. Some of you will wonder how work from home can be better than office full of people, where you are directly in-person with everyone. Others will start to see me as some basement creature that never exposes itself to sunlight. Others will see me as a lazy person that does not want to work and look for excuses to sit in just underpants at home pretending to do some remote work.   

Why remote work is not that bad at all?   

The truth about remote working today is that it's not simple at all and not everyone can do it (yet). This revolution needs to start inside you in first place. If you prefer office instead of remote work - there is nothing wrong with that! But if you feel that spending at least 1 hour a day in traffic jams is not for you and you prefer calm, private environment where you can fully focus - over noisy open space area - you are ready to evolve.   

There is also one important benefit of remote working that needs to be mentioned. In the past, it didn't matter how great skills you had and how well you were educated - if you were not born in rich countries, you were doomed to low salaries and tons of different problems like no access to modern technology. Today it's no longer the case (for companies that accept remote work) - it no longer matters where you were born - in global workplace all that matters is YOU and your skill set - without boundaries and prejudices.   

Would you like to read more? 

This post is my introduction to the topic of remote work on Steemit. I would like to get your feedback what do you think about this and if you would like to read more on this. I can share with you how to switch from office to remote work successfully, how to evolve your company to make outstanding HR and real profits by accepting remote work, or even how to organize your "work area" at home and stay motivated and highly effective.   

Looking forward for your comments! Follow me if you don't want to miss my next posts on that topic. 

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