Happy Thanksgiving Steemians!

Today is Canadian Thanksgiving! My family did our dinner last night, right on the heels of my neice's first birthday party.

Charlotte, my first and currently only neice, is officialy one today. The first time I saw her, I almost cried, she was so beautiful. According to my brother, she looked like the baby on Ice Age.


She is still the most beautiful little human I've ever seen. I may not have a clue what I'm doing, but I am so in love with that little bundle of energy!


She didnt quite know what to do with her giant cupcake smash cake but she was all smiles when she saw it. It hadn't made her too happy to sit in her highchair watching all the adults eat adult cake. It was finally her turn!


Once we put her on the floor (drop sheet pre-installed), she figured out what to do with that gooey goodness.


Now for the turkey dinner! Except we did roast beef, my favourite!


We have a tradition in our family. Every Thanksgiving dinner, we go around the table taking turns to say what we're thankful for this year. To my surprise, brother started us going but insisted on going counter-clockwise, making him last. Turns out, he and his wife had a special announcement to make, but since it's still technically a secret, all I can say is it rhymes with gravy! Any guesses??

While you're guessing, I just have to say how thankful I am for my parents. It's not considered cool, but they're my best friends. With them, I am completely un-self-conscious, completely convinced that they care about me, and they don't generally mind my sometimes inane conversation/monologues. What's more, they freely offer their time, energy, wisdom, conversation, affection, and food, without hesitation. They are all in.

(Nana and Grampie enjoying their grandbaby. Don't they just look like the most wonderful people? @ramseyman and @karenmakescakes)

That's what I'm thankful for this year. I could never have made the changes I have without their support--verging on counselling--and their understanding to get me through the rough patches.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! May you all be as abundantly blessed!

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