Mindset × Success #1 // Why & How I Took the Leap and Never Looked Back.


Hi fellow Steemit friends,

A few days ago I posted my story documenting the most pivotal point in my life thus far. Today I wanted to go into the details of what really pushed me to make the big decision that many of us including myself have dreamt about when we are stuck in a point in our life that we are do not enjoy.

My situation was working a 9~5 sit down/office job. I personally didn’t like the feeling of being managed by someone, only having so much leave time which I had to split between going on holiday and seeing my family. Overall the feeling I dreaded the most was that I would be forever trapped in a monotonous routine with no room for adventure and surprises.

I knew I had to leave and start my own entrepreneurial journey if I didn’t want this feeling to last for the next 50+ years of my life.

Let me just say that if you are working a full time office job and find that it brings you joy and fulfillment than keep at it! Isn’t that the whole point in life, to be happy? I was just one of those people that couldn’t find happiness in that routine and I was not going to settle with it.

So you’re one of those lucky few that have found peace and happiness in career/work maybe this info could speak for other areas in your life that you wish were different.

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When I started to really look at where my life was heading:

I vividly remember a thought I had while I was on the bus looking out the window on the way to work. I get on this bus every morning, I see the same people hop on and off for work. I’m traveling down this one single path to work and back home day in day out. Seeing the same building and roads. What about all the other stuff out there? Beyond this single path from home and work. Are wild adventures and living an abundant carefree lifestyle a thing of the past now or something I will only see in movies?


I could see my health decline as months went by I felt sick almost every two weeks but never wanted to let my boss down and call in sick so I would just work through it. I was too big of a people pleaser which only lead me to driving myself into the ground.

I would also overeat on junk food on the weekend to try and find some joy in the monotonous routine that was now my life. I was never one to let myself go, when I was at university I would do yoga, dance, pole classes and workout at the gym regularly just for fun. So now looking back to that phase it feels like a blurr like I was on auto-pilot of going into work, going home, making and eating dinner then going straight to bed so I could have a good night sleep before work again. I picture myself in the future and didn’t like what these habits would of compounded to.

Perhaps you can relate? I knew I need to change something.


As I shared in my intro post, at work my boss would put of entrepreneurial/mindset podcasts and each day I would absorb a little more and hear more about the life I wish I had instead. I think this habit alone was shifting my mindset as I would be hearing hundreds of stories of people changing their lives for the better.

I heard stories from people with much less than I had, for example being in large amount of debt, losing their home, coming out of an abusive past…. The list goes on but they still able to achieve financial freedom but most importantly craft a life that they love. So if they can do it then I could too.

However be warned if you do start to share your thoughts to family and friends around you on not liking your job and you want to pursue this dream instead. You often get comments thrown at you like “this is what being an adult is like” “Everyone feels like that but you just have to suck it up” “Well that’s just life”... but that does not have to be my life. I find these comments come from people who are not entirely happy in there own life but feel to scared to change anything about it. Best thing to do is thank them for their concern and move on like water off a duck’s back. Don’t let it phase you, don’t let the fear mentality sink in for even a second. You have your own vision for how you want your life to turn out and they have there.


Conditioning The Mind:

Back then I would daydream regularly about the dream life I could be living and in the same second be bombarded with thoughts of self doubt. This is when conditioning your mind will help push you closer to the big leap without becoming overcome with complete fear that you’re doing the “wrong” thing.

This is what I did during my spare time I would listen to even more podcast, mainly on self - development. I would listen to audio books, the cliches like The 4-hour work week, any Tony Robbins audio tapes I could find on youtube, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Did I ever wake up By Modsun. The biggest one that really started it all for me Blogs/Books/Videos by Denise Duffield-Thomas. I only stumbled upon her because she was one of our biggest client at my work. She lives her dream life with her automated 8 figure business and definitely one of my biggest inspiration plus she’s a fellow aussie. I also watch so many/too many youtube videos of entrepreneurship, productivity and self development. I really loved Stefan’s (Project Life Mastery) Videos because he focuses on mastering all areas in his life not just finacial which is something I’m very passionate about.

I found when I fully immersed myself listening and reading about these inspiring people you feel your whole mindset start to shift, you really do start to believe anything is possible and you can achieve so much more than you could even imagine. They say that you become the average of your 5 friends but if you’re unable the be around motivated, determined people with the same vision then the next best thing in just be in and around that environment virtually. When you see so many highly motivated positive people from all walks of life achieving their big goals. You realise that it’s not that rare or as unobtainable as you might of thought.

So if you are at the beginning experiences similar feelings and thoughts as I did and just don’t know where to begin. Try firstly immersing yourself with podcasts, videos, books from people that have the lifestyle you wish to have. Condition your mind to think the way they think. A change in mindset is one of the biggest things that can dramatically change your life.

I will leave it as that today,
Thank you for reading, I hope this helped you is any sort of way.

Until next time,


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