Why do people smoke.?

When I first smoked, for many years in fact, it calmed me and felt enjoyable because of the pick-up and buzz it provided. It was also a social act, because in school (including high school) we'd have to go outside to smoke, so you went with friends and talked and joked around while sharing a smoke
At first you have all of these reasons that you start smoking and want to smoke, and the addiction includes a dependency on how the cigarettes make you feel. But eventually, you no longer smoke because of anything you actually get from the act of smoking. You smoke to stop feeling the way you do when you aren't smoking.

  1. Poverty is one of the biggest predictors of smoking.
  2. Peer pressure — or societal pressure, at least — still exists.
    3.A lack of education seems to play a big role.
    4.Tax-free cigarettes are still available.
  3. Mental illness can lead many to self-medicate with cigarettes.
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