What are you willing to sacrifice to fulfill your objective/ intention/ dream?

The yesterday's inquiry was about who do we want to become this year. As expected, no one wants to be a bad person, no one wants to suffer and we all want more from us and from our relationships.

So the next question would be:

What are you willing to sacrifice to fulfill your objective/ intention/ dream?

Why is this important? Oh, well...we have the same amount of time as main resource and limited material and emotional power. So how do make the choices? And what is the impact of your decisions and your new "investments"?


In my case, wanting to become a more outspoken person will come with more conflicts and fights. Will probably affect some relationships not built on trust and being a learning process, I expect a lot of failure in the beginning.
I'm counting on my smile (partially kidding) and my empathy not to take the conflict personally.

So, what are you willing to sacrifice to become your best in 2018?

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