Let’s talk about ambition (Life)

I have many ambitions in life all people should. Yes I’m only 15 still in high school, but at my age is the age to start really thinking about, what you want to do in life. If you think your just going to live off your parents your whole life that’s where you messed up. Sooner or later you will get tired of having to live under their roof. You will get sick of the rules and the arguments, living with your parents your whole life isn’t where it’s at. Instead of doing drugs as a teenager and screwing up in school. You can stay away from the wrong crowds and stay to yourself. Focus in high school so you can pursue what you want to do in life. So you can be successful in the world when your by yourself.
My ambition is to stay focused in high school, and be somebody when I get older. I play Jv basketball with a 3.5 GPA. I can get college offers left in right if I stay focused and do my school work. If basketball falls through I already have a plan B. I want to get into fitness, like an athletic trainer or a fitness trainer. Maybe even a coach for a basketball team. You have to have plan on what you want to do& you have to do it in the teenage years. There’s no waiting till 24-25 to figure out what you want to do. By then it will be too late, but it’s never to late to go to college and learn something, and try to make something of yourself. I’m just saying it’s to late if you do it in your mid 20s because you have to put a lot of things on hold, because you won’t have the money because you didn’t figure out what you wanted to do in life. College isn’t for everyone, and college isn’t really necessary for all things. You can get a really good job without going to college. It really just depends on what you want to do in life. I hope everyone has a plan to be successful, to be rich one day because if you don’t have money in this whold you are nothing. Have a ambition to do what you love. Also don’t settle for something that you don’t love to do. Who would want to go work everyday and hate it I know I don’t.
If you have any ambitions comment below. Tell me what you want to do in life. I would gladly like to see ambitious people besides me.

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