#Earth and its pain №7 Cataclysms for the week from February 26 to March 4, 2018

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Center "Antistikhia" EMERCOM of Russia made a forecast of dangerous weather phenomena for 2018. And he's disappointing. Rescuers predict that with various natural disasters and non-technical accidents, 60% of Russia's population will face. Emergencies are projected in 30 regions. Portal Iz.ru summarized the information prepared by the experts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Where to wait?
Almost everywhere. Dangerous weather events, including squalls, hurricanes and hail, the center "Antistikhia" in 2018 predicts on the territory of 30 regions in seven federal districts.

The greatest likelihood of emergencies related to natural phenomena is projected in the Far Eastern District, namely in the Primorsky, Kamchatka and Khabarovsk regions, as well as in the Amur and Sakhalin regions.

In the Siberian region, the Altai, Trans-Baikal and Krasnoyarsk regions, as well as Buryatia and the Irkutsk region, were included in the list of the Ministry of Emergencies. On the territory of the Urals District, only the Chelyabinsk Region was particularly identified. In the Volga region, various emergencies are projected in the territory of Bashkortostan, the Perm Territory, the Orenburg and Nizhny Novgorod regions.


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In the Southern District, there is a danger in Adygea, the Crimea, the Krasnodar Territory and the Rostov Region. A North-Caucasian Federal District and did the entire list of MES.

In the Central District in the list of regions with the most likely adverse weather phenomena appear Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as Vladimir and Tver regions.

According to the Antisthia center, over 90 million Russians, or 60% of the population of the country, live in the zones of probable emergency situations.

When to expect?
Now it is difficult to answer this question. In the end, the warning of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is a forecast, and not a specific list of natural disasters that will definitely occur. So, maybe, specifically in your region, nothing will happen.

Nevertheless, we will be realistic: the Ministry of Emergency Situations, based on the analysis of hydrometeorological phenomena in Russia over the past 25 years, makes disappointing forecasts - the number of various natural disasters will grow every year. Approximately up to 16 accidents per year.

Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation Sergei Donskoy, speaking at the ministerial session of the 15th International Summit on Sustainable Development in 2016, said that the number of natural hazards in Russia increased almost fourfold between 1990 and 2010 and continues to increase at a speed of approximately 6-7% per year.

"In recent years, the number of large-scale natural disasters, primarily floods and forest fires, has increased several times. According to Russian scientists, in the next 10 years the number of dangerous natural phenomena will double, "the report of the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources says.

If again based on statistics, more than 70% of all hazardous natural phenomena in Russia occur in the warm period of the year - from April to October.

Why prepare?
It depends on the region. Residents of Moscow, for example, do not face an earthquake. This can be said with almost 100 percent probability. But for the inhabitants of Siberia and the Far East this is not such a rare phenomenon. The largest number of victims occurred on Sakhalin on May 28, 1995. Then, as a result of the tremors, the city of Neftegorsk was completely destroyed in a few seconds. Out of 3,297 people, 2,040 people died.

According to statistics, in Russia the most part of all cataclysms are floods. The second place is occupied by tornadoes and hurricanes.

In Moscow, for example, the strongest storm was recorded on May 29, 2017. That day, the wind, which reached a speed of 28 m / s, knocked about 27 thousand trees in the city, hundreds of advertising structures and tore roofs from 243 houses. As a result of the disaster, 18 people were killed. This is more than during the June 1998 Moscow storm - then 11 people died.

Forest fires are mainly characteristic for the Siberian regions. For example, in April 2015, 31 people died in the territory of Khakassia, the Krasnoyarsk and Transbaikalian territories, 1,500 people were injured, 4,694 people lost their homes. The fire destroyed 1678 residential buildings in 33 settlements.


Fires are possible in the central part of Russia, it is enough to recall the abnormal heat in August 2010 in Moscow and the subsequent peat fires in the suburbs. At the same time, about 200 thousand hectares were covered by fires in 20 regions of Russia - in the Sverdlovsk, Kirov, Tver, Kaluga, Pskov, Ryazan and Nizhny Novgorod regions, as well as in Mordovia.

Floods in various regions of Russia are an integral part of the arrival of spring. Every year, news comes that the river that has left the banks flooded the houses. And it happens everywhere - from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. At the moment, a critical situation is already observed in the Altai Territory and Khakassia.

The largest floods in the number of victims occurred in the south of Russia in the summer of 2012. Then in Krymsk alone in the Krasnodar Territory 153 people were killed. Another 15 victims were in other settlements.

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