Day of Mindfulness in the Pruniers Village France - Buddhist Culture

Hi Steemians, 

Today I'm here to talk to you about an amazing experience that I experienced some time ago. I went for a day of mindfulness among Buddhist monks and nuns in France in the village of Pruniers (plum trees). 

This village is located in the south west of France here, as you can see on this capture maps:

A day of mindfulness what is it?

It is a day through which one collects oneself and one tries to feel each part of his body, his being to be in symbiosis with oneself, life, earth, sun, gravity, wind ... 

The day begins with a sitting meditation and then a Dharma Teaching. Through which he makes you think about different themes of life, emotions, self ... 

It follows a vegetarian lunch in total silence, always mindful. This lunch marks a high point of communion between the foods that have been gathered and prepared from nature and that merge with your body. You then feel every grain of rice that touches your mouth or tongue and goes down into your body. After lunch you can walk in the park to feel the elements and be in harmony with your body. 

Here is a cliché of my walk of conscience in the middle of the Buddha facing the sun of a meadow. 

Finally the day ends after regrouping, oriented by language for more ease of communication, which allows to share something with the group on the theme of the mindfulness - I remember some testimonies of a depth and sometimes of an incredible emotion. Each time is marked by the sound of a bell and or a singing bowl during which no one speaks or moves. 

It was for me a memorable and rewarding experience and I recommend it to every person who would like to seek a little and that of whatever religion it is. 

Thank you for having read me and see you soon,

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