5 Ways to train Your Brain

Keeping your brain fit is as important as keeping your body fit. People who keep their minds sharp live longer on average and are less likely to develop diseases such as Alzheimer's. Here is your brain workout guide!


Memorize as much as you can
Try to learn song lyrics by heart, memorize the list of what to buy in the shop, learn new Pi digits every day and so on. It effectively trains your brain, forming new neural connections. The more you memorize, the better your memory will get — this is one of the reasons why students are told to learn poems by heart.

Learn new skills
When the brain encounters something different to what it is used to doing, it starts working more actively, thus improving itself. Learn to play new musical instrument, to solve Rubik's cube or to cook. Make your brain more powerful while also improving the quality of your life!


Calculate in your mind
Next time when you have to calculate something, first try doing it in head without the calculator. You can start with addition and subtraction and when you feel like you are ready make also multiplication and division. After a few week training you will be even able to sort out equations in your mind and keep several answers in your head! This trains your memory, logic, and, of course, makes you better at maths.


Read. A lot
Reading long articles or books, not short tweets, improves your IQ and makes you able to concentrate faster. Recent studies show, that most people can only read a 300-400 word article. Be patient, go beyond this level. A few tips: choose articles or books with small amount of pictures or even without them: that helps you concentrate on what you are reading and improves your imagination. After several weeks it will be easy for you to read long articles and enjoy them.

Do more with your hands
Doing something with your hands, such as drawing, making wooden models or creating pottery improves your coordination and the abilities of your brain. Try to repair things yourself, working with tiny details. You can even try something not necessary, like pen spinning, for example. After a while you can become more deft in doing ordinary things and even try to impress your friends!

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