Robots, the future of man

The different robots?

At first, to better understand what a robot is, we will categorize them into 3 families

  • industrial
  • housekeeping / leisure
  • intellectual

The industrial robot

For several years, big names in robotics have been creating robots that can replace humans in various tasks.
We already find in some countries in the Middle East, companies that work without a human worker, only 1 to 2 qualified people supervise industrial robots that work 24 hours a day.
As a result we see better performance and lower cost for the company.
Some workers pass qualifications to continue working in their companies for the maintenance of these robots and the completion of the works, others find themselves unemployed ...

The food and leisure robot

We are in another idea of ​​how a robot works, since we are starting to let the automated industrial versions to bring them closer to the man, in his everyday life.
They are given more familiar and pleasing forms and appearances.
In some countries, real tests are in progress, we can from April to see the Japanese TV news presented by Erica, a humanoid.


Toy robots appear, proposing by actions of programming accessible to all, various movements.
They will be able to dance, sing, play. They will even sometimes have educational programs through play pretty well done for a toddler.

Household robots are also evolving, they will propose in a few years to perform tasks of everyday life to make our lives easier.
Today, we have the opportunity to leave a robot vacuum cleaner worked on our behalf, tomorrow some models in progress will perform other more complex tasks.
I already see some who say that dishwashing and household chores may soon be a distant memory; we are not sorry yet ...

The intellectual robots

Researchers in robotics want access to a sufficiently developed program that could evolve by itself.
This AI could in this case interact with humans in a more humane way, reflecting, learning, restoring.
The purpose of this first step would be to be able to hold a conversation and improve it over time.
The roboticists also want to enter an era 2.0, which would like each individual to have access to an AI directly at home.
The more time passes and the more opportunities will grow.

What can you expect from robotics?

There are several major areas of research in robotics.

Researchers want to replace the work of humans in places difficult to access, by robots.

F.E.D.O.R is the perfect example, since it is destined to be sent into space in 2021.
Man will be able to interact with him in a precise way, we can finally return to the moon, but in VR, and the earth without human problems.
Oxygen requirement
Need food and water
Need sleep
Prolonged exposure to solar radiation, etc.

Exploration in deep water or in conditions of life too hard for humans can be apprehended by the robot in the simplest way.
The possibilities are endless and the exploration to Mars is not very far ...


Robots or intelligent humanoids will be the great evolution of tomorrow.
A robot with an AI, could answer the human problems of today.
A man needs rest, he is intellectually limited, even if he has the IQ of a Nobel Prize.
The robot will continue to learn and will have no more limits to knowledge.
He will be able to make more precise simulations with variants that the man could not even perceive.

Ethical issues

Can electronic thinking exist?

Can the machine be equal to man if it thinks by itself?

Can the machine feel emotions or is it the human's own?

History proves that when one population is superior to another in knowledge and technology, it becomes a danger to others.
If the machines become smart enough to think and think alone, they will become truly superior to the man, but will they be a danger to the man?

A roboticist is currently working on the possibility of transferring the thought of an individual to an android machine. The goal is to no longer be limited to the possibilities of our human body, and to extend life to the physical limit of our brain.
We are getting closer to science fiction and cyborgs, where the human brain makes the machine work, another vision of robotics.

What do you think ?

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In the next article, we will look at the possibility of going to Mars one day.

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