RE: RE: Early Sparkin
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RE: Early Sparkin

RE: Early Sparkin

As always, this is packed with things I want to respond to - but the tedium of calling out specific lines and letting you know I cracked up when I read them? It just seems like it's probably not explicitly necessary. I mean, I'm here, so you know I read it, and if you know I read it, then I know that you know that I laughed at various points...and if I laughed at various points, it seems sufficient to expect that you would most likely know which points would be the ones at which I laughed because you wrote them in such a way that we both know laughter was almost inevitable. Hell, you probably laughed while you were writing at least half of them...ok that actually isn't a sure thing. Are you the laugh at my own jokes sort? (I 100% am that) You know what, neither here nor there, as they say. Point is, another fun read, saturated in all that boomy goodness.

I see posts of the sort you describe, occasionally just show up and swarm with a fervor of opinionated activity. Historically when this happens, I've felt sort of like a teenager at a dinner table where the grown-ups are fighting...I can't quite avoid it entirely, and I can't quite feel like I'm qualified to opine among the adults...but in my short time here, I've begun to blossom into feeling I know just enough to justify having (and even sharing) an opinion...which is pretty cool. The first time I remember this sort of thing was kennyskitchen, and later with worldtravelpro I think? Lately I've seen similar things from other people, but have become less and less inclined to take the sideline, mostly because fuck it you know? But also because three years here has given me enough general understanding of Hive culture to believe that my opinions won't be completely out of left field. What's crazy to me is seeing what looks like an intense lack of understanding from someone who seems to have been here for quite some time. I guess people will always just be people, and sometimes being the adult at the table doesn't make one the wisest.

Anyway, sorry it took me so long to respond to you here. I wanted to wait until I could say something meaningful, but instead I just waited until I could say something long and winding. I guess at this point it looks like this is the comment you get this time, and I apologize for that 😁

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