

Life is like a boat that goes around from distination to distination.

The ship will never sink unless it will be wreck, broken and the water goes in. Or its wall will be damage, punch hole or anything that will make the water fill inside. Surely, this ship will sunk!

Now in our life, what will make us sink?
What will make us drowned?
What will make us wrecked?

It is in our own decision on every situation that resulted to go outhand. In every aspect in life that we don't choose but made happened. The pressure in workplace, family, relation and society that drive out us mad. This can be a cause for every tendency that our life flip off out of balace and control.

But do you know what is the first hand to do?
Do you know what is needed for us to gain control again in our life?

It is through Acceptance!

Accept that things happened out of control!
Accepted life is not fair!
Accept every problem in our life comes to confront us!
Accepted that we are human!
Accepted that we are mortal!
Accepted that we need of guidance!
Accepted that there is God,

Learned to come in humility in the presence of the Lord!

Do not be overwhelm in every situation, either that is good or bad!
Remember, It will come to pass!
Do not be affected! Gain control of yourself with the help of faith in the Lord. This are some spiritual situation in life we merely don't see!

If people talk negative in you. Examine yourself if this is true. If indeed there is truth even 50% of the story, correct yourself. Thank them for having this concerned! But if none of this is true, then why bother? Don't let this people judgement over you control your situation!

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