Hi there Steemit friends, it's been a while, maybe close to a year or more since I've posted, commented or replied to any stories but I'M BACK!!

I wanna start back up by giving a big shout-out to @papa-pepper for inspiring me to come back to Steemit and for reminding me just how awesome not only the platform is but also how great and supportive the community is here on Steemit.

If you're not following @papa-pepper, go give him a follow now! He is the kind of human being that I aspire to be - caring, kind and selfless. More on that soon.

I've been spending a lot of time lately with an old friend from over a decade ago, and I was recently hanging out with her and sharing my life experiences, and she said something that immediately grabbed my attention...

You really don't care.

Those were her exact words. I asked her to explain and she did. I gotta say that I totally agree with her - I really don't care!

I've been through a lot, and I'm sure that some of you can relate. I've lost more loved ones that anyone ever should in a short period of time, and that's made me question my faith in anything and everything. It also changed my perspective on life, and what really matters and what doesn't, but also on fears and what scares and holds most people back from making changes that could potentially impact their lives for the better.

For the most part, my fears have disappeared and lessened to the point of me "not caring" as my friend pointed out. She didn't mean that I "really don't care" but that I really didn't care about anyone's opinion, and that I'm not afraid of speaking my mind and putting myself out there, but also trying out new things at a moments notice. I guess maybe I've always been that way. I've always not cared.

Can you relate to not caring? Drop me a comment below and let me know of a defining moment in your life that made you question your faith, and how you overcame it to restore your faith? Or how are you working now on overcoming your lack of faith?

Well, that wraps it up for the day. Thank you all of you guys who participate daily on Steemit, and an even bigger thank you to you reading this post!

Remember...positive vibes attract positive vibes. Now go out there, be positive, chase your dreams and care-less...in a good way that is.

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