General Lecture of International Relations Student with Dr. Arifi Saiman, M.A

Matangglumpang Dua, Thursday (08/02) at the seminar room of Campus Ampoen Chik Peusangan, University of Almuslim was held a public lecture delivered by Dr. Ir. Arifi Saiman, M.A as Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Policy and Development Agency (BPPK Kemenlu), accompanied by Cecillia Axel Toumahu . Public lecture attended by Vice Rector I Academic Affairs. Dr. Hambali, SE., M.Pd, Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Almuslim (FISIP Umuslim) Drs. Ridwan AR, MM, Head of International Relations Department Shaummil Hadi, S.Sos., MA, Head of Information and Promotion Center of Almuslim University Al Azhar, SS., M.Sos who is also a lecturer of International Relations, lecturers and students.

Public lectures take the theme; "Knowing More Nearly the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Activities of Indonesian Diplomats", attracted interest not only from the Department of International Relations but from other Department even from other Faculties. The general lecture atmosphere that gives motivation to the students is delivered by Dr. Arifi Saiman, MA makes the participants do not move until the end. Moreover, filled with interactive dialogue to make this public lecture to achieve the expected goals.

Participants dominated by the International Relations Student Association (HIMAHI) Umuslim, feel this public lecture adds to their insights about what and how the foreign ministry, and how the role of diplomats in foreign relations. Finally what steps they can take in achieving their dreams after graduating from university.


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