Apprenticeships and promotions

Bireuen, Monday (05/02) Located at Bank Aceh Syariah Bireuen Dean Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Almuslim University University Drs. Ridwan AR, MM, Vice Dean II M. Deni Firmansyah, SE., MM, Al Azhar, SS., M.Sos a lecturer of International Relations Department gave an apprenticeship student received directly by Deputy Head Sayed Zainal Arifin. Previous submission is also done by Head Business Administration Department Sulaiman, SE.I., MSM.
Student submission is also done to Syariah Rural Bank Rahmania. All of these handover activities are a form of responsibility Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Almuslim University to its students. It is expected that there will be mutual understanding between the institutions / agencies in which the apprentice students so that the apprenticeship process as the implementation of the application of theory to the real work goes well.
The event then continued with promotion to Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Jangka, there was Head of Sub Academic Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Almuslim University Taufik Jahidin, SH., MH with Heri Gustami S.Kom. The introduction of what and how Almuslim University and Faculty of Social and Political Sciences as the University of Bireuen community pride in particular and Aceh in general. The atmosphere of intimacy is felt because the dialogue / question and answer make the students curiosity towards the campus Almuslim University can be answered.


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