How the Tiny Home helped me let go


Stuff. Stuff. and Yep more Stuff. Geez, how much Stuff does one need in this world? What kind of stuff do I really need to help me in my daily life? What tools can best contribute to my getting along in a tiny home? These are the questions that went through my head as Brandon and I began thinking about our move into, first the dry cabin and then a couple of years later our move into the tiny home. I was 39 years old when moving into the dry cabin. I have no children and no siblings so I don't have as much stuff as some other women my age just because of these two factors. Still, I had plenty of nic - nacks and Avon "keepsakes" that had been given to me to commemorate a specific time in life. I started to realize how little space we we're actually going to have and the things that stuck out as most important we're survival items. I love my Mom and Dad dearly, but in a time of peril the Nutcracker dust collector sitting on the shelf was going to be the last thing I reached for as me and my "Go Bag" we're on a hurried way out the door to a presumed safe spot.

This was the start of a huge letting go process. I don't miss one thing I intentionally got rid of. I don't miss any of the cook books that I gave away, nor do I miss the clothes that someone in need now possesses. It was a freeing process. Now I can focus on other tasks that I want to accomplish and not be tied down to stuff. Now, there are a couple of items that I left in hotel rooms years ago. I still lovingly think of that old pillow that I was a couple hundred miles away from in Texas before I thought, "Oh no! I left my favorite pillow!" Well, it would be so old by now, that I am sure I would have thrown it out, so Bye Bye sweet feather pillow that craddled my head for so many years. I got over it and now have a nice pillow that suffices. Who am I kidding? I sleep like a rock and have slept literally on rocks during deployment. I can sleep anywhere. Through hurricanes and small earth quakes I've been told. The next thing I still think of from time to time, is an abalone shell that yes, was also left in a hotel room. I used it to hold my sage while it burned and cleansed the space I was in. Hopefully someone found it, considered it a treasure and had a use for it.

The stuff that I knew I would not part with was my camping stuff which I consider to be my survival gear and will never willingly part with these items. This letting go process was AWESOME! I love getting rid of stuff that no longer serves me. I have what I need in the way of material items and know that I have way more than most humans on Earth. I am very blessed to have what I need in my life and so much more. By detaching from these material items I gave myself permission to explore other areas in life. My down size happened in many stages. As I was ready, I gave away bit by bit and before I knew it I was ready to move into an 8 1/2 X 20 foot tiny home!

Brandon had mentioned in a comment (@leighlim)a week or so ago that we're Tiny Home Preppers and are looking to homestead so we are not minimal. Well, I think that we are minimal to the extent that if we don't need it we don't buy it or collect it. We do have a good bit of food storage, water and weapons. You know, the things that truly matter when the Poo Hits the Fan! I said to someone recently that we will all be faced with down size one day, because when we die we aint taking it with us, no matter where we transition to. I am happy to be in this physical reality with a wonderful man and one day will die and have more adventures some place else. Hopefully, by letting go of stuff in this life I am helping my soul to further gain fulfillment in this life and the next.

To the people who are thinking of down sizing, just start small and see what you are ready to let go of and the process will take on the energy that it is suppose to. Give yourself a chance to change! I am learning that if I give myself an opportunity, I can make lots of soul progress by getting my physical reality into better shape. If I just give myself a chance I am amazed at what I can accomplish. Take good care and well wishes to you all.


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