Let's take narcotics ...

Confused to read the title above?
Yes, the error is not on your computer screen. Also not in your eyes.
Whatever your eye condition;
normal, minus, plus, cylinder, night blindness, farsightedness, cataracts, this has nothing to do with your eye condition.

And there is nothing wrong with the title above. All of this is a deliberate conspiracy. Amid the incessant campaign of say No to drugs, I say Yes to narcotics ...

That narcotics are needed by our bodies. So let's use it legally.


Initially the researchers were confused and amazed by the endurance of a camel. The animal that used to live in the desert could enjoy its thorny leaves while its angry riders begged him to walk right away. What makes a camel have the ability to withstand extraordinary pain?

Later it was discovered that the camel's brain produces a chemical liquid that can make it ignore pain. This chemical if injected into other animals will also make the animal have the ability to ignore pain.

Then research also found that the human brain produces chemicals called endorphins and enkofalin. Endorphin means "internal morphine" and enkophalin means "inside the brain".
As the name suggests, endorphins have the ability like morphine, which is to eliminate pain. At the hospital, morphine is commonly used to help relieve pain after surgery.

It can be said that endorphin is a type of narcotics that has properties similar to morphine. Only if morphine is made from opium leaves while pure endorphins are local products, aka products from the human body (brain).

This natural narcotics has 200 times the quality of narcotics circulating on the black market or on the streets. Narcotics made by any factory can never match the quality of natural narcotics. Other benefits Endorphins do not cause addiction, sakau or other negative influences that are commonly caused by artificial narcotics.

Then how to produce it?

More precisely how to make the pharmaceutical factory in our body want to produce this endorphin?
Some say that laughter is a potent medicine. Some advocate for laughter therapy to stimulate the emergence of endorphins.

But actually in the teachings of all religions, it has been spoken both verbally and in writing.

Invitations to pray, meditate, contemplate, dhikr or whatever it is called is one of the best ways to help the brain work optimally.
All the rituals above will guide the brain to the alpha, theta and delta zones. Zone where the mind feels comfortable, calm and peaceful. Delta is a condition when you sleep well without a dream at all. This is the most quality condition because the body is doing self-healing.

And all of the above conditions are the time when endorphins are produced by the brain.
Unfortunately, the Endorphin cannot be cloned for production at the factory. So that it can be sold freely and legally for use. What's on the market now is just a copy that is far from good quality.

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