What we should know: Tips-Body Language (Chap.5_Part 2)

In the previous issue we gave a short introduction about what the general gestures of holding hands to face mean. In this section I will mention various types of gestures and how to interpret them.

If you have not read it, you can read it here:

Pay attention so you can identify them in your daily life;)

Hands on the Face: Interpretation

1. Covering the Mouth:

This gesture is the one that is most obvious in both children and adults.

The hand that covers the mouth and the thumb that presses the cheek are gestures that occur when the brain subconsciously orders that the deceitful words that have just been uttered be suppressed. There are variations of this gesture, such as covering your mouth with your fingers, or with your fist, but the meaning is the same. Some people try to disguise this gesture of covering their mouth emitting a slight cough.

In case the receiver makes this gesture while you are speaking, it is indicative that he thinks you are cheating him.

1.1. Fingers in the mouth:

Morris indicates that this gesture is carried out by those who feel pressured and that implies an unconscious attempt by the person to return to the safety of a newborn that sucks from the mother's breast.

In the case of a child, this replaces the mother's breast with the thumb, while an adult not only places his fingers in his mouth but also places in it things such as cigarettes, pencils, pens, etc.

Although almost all the gestures made with the hands in the face express lie or disappointment, putting the fingers to the mouth is a manifestation of the need for security.
Therefore, what is appropriate for these cases is to provide them with that security need that the person making this gesture is manifesting.

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2. Touching your nose:

This gesture is a disguised version of touching the mouth and can be composed of a series of soft rubs under the nose, a quick and imperceptible touch or tapping on it in case of women to take care of makeup.

Its origin is due to the fact that when a negative thought occurs, the subconscious immediately orders the mouth to be covered, but at the last moment it changes course and the nose is quickly touched so that the gesture is not so obvious. Another reason is that lying causes itching in the delicate nerve endings of the nose and requires rubbing to soothe the effect.

The itching can be generated by a lie or for any other physical / environmental reason; as for example, allergies. The difference of how to perceive when this gesture indicates a lie or not, is in the way in which the nose is rubbed; the first will do it with dissimulation with delicacy, while in the other case he will rub or scratch his nose without trying to hide the discomfort he has, with freedom.

Source 1|Source 2

3. Rubbing the Eye:

It represents the brain's attempt to block the vision of deception or to avoid seeing the face of the person to whom it is being lied.

Men rub their eyes energetically when they lie, but if the degree of deception is high, they look away and direct it towards the ground.

In the case of women, the action is carried out more gently, either by women's education or not to spoil makeup.

Source 1|Source 2

4. Rubbing the ear:

It symbolizes the attempt to block the words of the person lying. It is the adult version of the child gesture of covering his ears with his hands.

Some of the variations of this gesture are:

  • Rubbing behind the pinna of the ear.
  • The "drill finger"; that is, the action of putting your finger in your ear and moving it from one side to the other.
  • Pull the lobe of the ear.
  • Fold the pinna of the ear forward and thus cover the ear canal. It is indicative that the person has already heard enough or wants to talk.

5. Scratching the Neck:

This gesture implies that the index finger of the right hand scratches under the lobe of the ear or scratches the side of the neck.

Allan indicates something interesting according to his observations on this gesture, and that is that the person scratches only FIVE (05) times, neither more nor less.

This gesture symbolizes the presence of doubts, uncertainties and is characteristic of those people, who at the moment, do not know if they are completely in agreement with what the other person is saying.

5.1. Pull the collar of the shirt:

A variation of the gesture of scratching the neck.

According to research conducted by Desmond Morris, the lies produce a slight tremor in the face and neck tissues, and therefore, the need arises to scratch or rub the area.

This gesture is made by those people who have lied and suspect that they have been discovered. However, this gesture is also used by those people who feel anger or frustration and need to move the fabric away from the shirt in order to aerate the area.

Source 1|Source 2|Source 3|Fuente 4

__________________________________________________________(To be continue)

Thank you very much for reading!!
See you in the next post !, with:

"Gestures with cheeks and chin"

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