belive me,it is the devil's hand work


He went on his knees with all humility to apologise with an innocent looking face that could melt the heart of a terrorist.

He knew something was wrong with him because he watched his father live the same life and vowed never to cross this path. Now, he is struggling with the same sin that made him judge his father to condemnation.

"I know the devil is after my life and success. This is a family pattern and it is the same thing that destroyed my father. I know I am not like this."

Tears rolled uncontrollably from his cheek as you see the disappointment written all over his body language. One could tell, he has given up on himself.

His love for God and ministry was at jeopardy, this is the umpteenth lady he is falling out with over sexual escapades. His switches turns on and his libido almost over running his senses of reasoning at the sight of a voluptuous lady, yet he desires to change her with his gifting of chiseling away low self-esteem and bringing the best in people with results from many of his protégés.

He knows he ought to have become the overall youth leader with international recognitions, but a continuous sabotage from past relationships have stunted his growth.

It is a pattern....

One of the most powerful tools of learning is the eyes. What you see consistently goes to seat in your subconscious and molds a pattern that soon begins to drag you in that direction.

I have heard a lot of people saying they became the exact thing they were running from in their family, thinking it is a curse or spiritual something, but it has more to do with thought patterns than spiritual patterning.

This is one reason why a single mother is most likely to raise a daughter who would also end up a single mother. This is one reason why a lady who is born out of wedlock is highly likeable to also give birth out of wedlock, no matter how much she detests it.

What you see consistently, you become.

A father’s influence goes to the fourth generation after him.

You know Whitney Houston right? Her parents Emily and John Houston divorced when she was at kindergarten. Together with her lover, Bobby Brown, Whitney smoked crack in the presence of their 5 year old daughter, Bobbi Kristina. At 22, Bobbi died of drug abuse…her mother Whitney died at 48 on similar grounds.

This wasn't a coincidence, it was the repetition of patterns that were not paid attention to.

How you do one thing is how you do everything. It is how you do the entirety of your life. Pay attention closely and see for yourself.

Patterns. Recurring. Patterns.

For many of my clients, their "aha moments" usually occur when patterns are gradually being dug from their subconscious, hanging before their very face and causing them to scream in awe.

"I wish I had discovered this earlier." One of my clients teared.

It is painful how we have come to spiritualize everything as Africans. We blame the devil for our wrong behavioural patterns and accuse our village people for monitoring us.

We are quick to relegate our responsibilities to other people or things rather than paying close attention to ourselves and are masters in playing the blame game.

This is really a saddening experience I must say. It is the bane of the height of our backwards in Africa.

Seek help if you do. Don't play blame games.

I will be here waiting to help if you eventually realise you need help. If not, seek help elsewhere. Remember, you have just one life to live and who you are is what you will bequeath to your children in parent


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