Life, its existence and Survival

Hello guys in this post I'm gonna talk about life ,it's existence and survival.

Complexity :

Life on one hand seems to be much complex. It is true to some extent. It is on the other hand quite easy and charming. I mean if we consider nature as a marvel then it looks easy to understand life it's different aspects.
Living is what we do from the beginning of life till the end of it and every person has it's own style to do this.


We cannot force anybody to do what we want and the way we want. Every person has it's own life and have the right to spend it in it's own way. That's how life works. It is simple and understandable.
People of different areas on the Earth spend life in their own way. They have their own believes about it.

What life is?

Some says it is GOD gifted while some agree with the #Darwin.
Here I'm gonna share some videos that will help you understand the concept of life that different people and scholars have

And some goes with it:

A debate took place on a great platform about this topic:



Whatever it is we are here and we have to live.
That is the real part. No one can escape it. It goes and keep many fluctuations with it. A person survives through these fluctuations and gets the title of a successful man.

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