Life long lessons (School) - by @dragonslayer101

I have never enjoyed school, but that is normal for most people. School is a subject that many students hate. Ever asked someone how their day at school was. The answer is generally, "it was school" or "alright" and that is where that conversation ends.

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But why is school so bad? Is it the teachers? Is it the students? Is it the work? Or is it our fault?

When I was in school I enjoyed a some days, but these were always days that something exciting happened or I discovered a new adventure. I remember sitting in on of my English classes and thinking to myself, "what on earth is the point of all this? I am never going to use this subject in my life" but this was not the only class I thought about in this way.

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Life Orientation, LO, my most hated class where we learnt about life... Where 10% of your grade mark was based on how near your book looked. But on day one I made sure that the teachers new that my book would look bad, thus they never even asked for my book. What I hated most about the class was that it taught useless lessons to me, drugs, smoking, drinking and sex. These were things I was taught years before never to do, but what made it worse is that these thing get taught each year at school. So this became one of my "catch up on sleep" classes.

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To me school felt like a prison, my inner adventurer forced to sit down and do the same thing day in and day out for weeks. Surly there must be a better schooling system for people like me, this I often thought to myself. But after years of struggling against the system I finally gave into it and started to enjoy school a whole lot more. I found reasons to love school, the caring teachers, the fun activities, the students and even the work (but only some classes). I always hated English and LO and always will.

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Only at the end of my schooling did I realise that it was my fault for not enjoying school. Only once my attitude had changed was I able to realise that it is not everything that happens around me that determines my happiness, but the way I deal with these things. I hope that we will all have the right attitude.

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