Ways to show you care during and after Valentine: Inspired by @fisteganos

Big Thanks to @fisteganos for being a source of inspiration.
Am not really close to him but have been his anonymous fan for a while now. I apologize for breaking the rules of his love contest and knowing the contest is over. Let us dive inn!!!!

Being a good friend, a good son or daughter and a good partner is not so difficult. Just putting aside a little 'selfishness and focus on others as a long way to go.

Showing love to others is not meant for only valentine's day but everyday. Often saying to someone "I love you" , “I can't live without you” is so simple as to be trivialized.

True love / affection towards someone can also be demonstrated through important gestures.

How many times have we heard those words repeated and then, when needed, have we seen friends or loved ones turn their backs, or betrothed to betray us ?!

Sometimes it is good for the spirit and soul to feel encouraged even verbally, but what matters are the facts.

To show who matters what you feel, there are far more effective and profound ways than simple words.

It is not always easy to understand them ... but by following these little tips nobody will ever be able to reproach you of being absent:


Give your time:

It does not matter how busy you are.
It would always be necessary to find time for the people you love.

Taking the phone and making a call, even during the coffee break, is so impossible. Even just a text message to ask how it goes. You can also organise a picnic during the weekend.
“A space is found when in the heart that space is immense”.



One of the easiest ways to show your affection is to listen.

Listen to problems, complaints, simple outbursts, even when the topic is not of interest to you.

Anyone needs to be heard and is the closest people to help at any time. Show yourself involved. Even when the story is full of repetitions.



Without the need for many turns of words, kisses and hugs are the warmest gesture you can give to the people around you.
Whether it's a simple kiss of good morning or a hug to comfort.


Make life easier for others:

Am not saying you should donate money or things like that, but just help, as you can.

Take care of small matters to relieve certain responsibilities, especially if not required. Although they may seem like very small gestures, they fill the heart to the recipient.


Make Surprises

Anyone who loves surprises. Preferences, tastes, needs ...

Those who are going through a period will appreciate your interest very much. With just a bottle of wine, a flower, or the DVD of their favorite movie.
You will be repaid with the same coin, by whom it is worth.


Send a "Package"

Too often, when time goes on, the people you care about will not all be around you.

Why not send him/her a service package ?!

A few gifts, a letter, a picture of you ... small objects that show that distance has not changed things and never will has a long way to go!


Visit the Kitchen

As a Guy, Even if you're not a test cook, try making a dessert, a special meal for those you love. You will be grateful, even for the effort.

You do not need to be a real MasterChef.


Support them

Be on their side, always.
Making mistakes is part of human nature. It is important to give your support and above all not to judge.
You can talk, give advice but be a “shoulder to cry on” in the first place.

I believe with all these you are guaranteed a strong lasting relationship with your loved ones. Happy Valentine's Day Everyone !!!

Big Thanks to @enginewitty for this cool Banner

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