ADSactly Personal - Why You Should Leave Your Comfort Zone Today...

ADSactly Personal: Why You Should Leave Your Comfort Zone Today...



I wanted to write to you all today to think about something really important…

Are you living in your comfort zone?

As a general rule, when you are in your comfort zone, things stay the same and nothing changes. Granted, this isn't always a bad thing, but what about your dreams? Where do they fit in when you are doing the same thing every day, hoping for different results, waiting for "That Thing" to happen, or tomorrow to come?

Tomorrow is here and then gone really fast. It easily becomes next week, next month, next year, and before we know it time has ticked itself away. It usually ends up being a major upset or life event that kicks us into thinking: "why are here and what can we offer the world?" It is then that we realize that time is not infinite. It is right up until that point that we take it all for granted.

We have to think about what it is that we want to achieve in our lives. We are all unique and individual people who have things to offer the world - be it words, art, advice, or love, to name just a small handful of "Purposes".



The world won't see you shine unless you get out into it and show it. The world doesn't need to be the world, it could be your family, your street, your town, or Steemit. You are capable of great things, I know you are, look inside yourself, you will see it too.

You have too much to offer just to be doing the same old thing every day, unless of course, you are doing what you were born to do already, then you are one of the lucky ones.

Getting out of your comfort zone is like entering the twilight zone. It is unknown. You will have successes and you will have failures, you will doubt yourself, and you will discover things about yourself that you may or may not like.


Bravery is required to get out of your comfort zone. I wanted to take writing at a university, but when I told my father this, he told me that there was no money in that, and not to pursue it, so I listened to him. I did my degree in business studies and marketing, which academically I excelled at, but not so much in practice.



And look what it is these days that I do earn my living. I write. But, now I have come to realize that I don't need a piece of paper to tell me I can write, and the marketing has been useful over the years to some extent.

It was a big huge regret for a long time and I often wonder, if I had applied to that particular writing course, whether they would have accepted me? But I will never know and that really bugs me. In this case, I should have stepped out of my comfort zone.


I am one person who, unfortunately, did have to have a major upheaval in my life in order to get myself out of my comfort zone. I had blinkers on and didn't see the bigger picture.

I thought: "It is only me, I can live like this if my children are happy and my husband is happy, who am I to rock the boat and wreck four lives, instead of just my own?



But the children weren't happy, and they now are, so I must have done something right. They don't worry and stress quite as much, although my eldest is a natural worrier and will worry about everything, imagined or not, and we have endless "what if" discussions.

But, someone outside looking in showed me the big picture, and I found courage from somewhere to call it off and start again after 15 years. It took me a few months of counseling and putting things back together, but I didn't waste my time on trivial things, or try to be friends with the "in-crowd" of mums. Rather, I decided to concentrate on what I liked to do best - helping people.

So, get out there. Help people. Encourage people to choose self-improvement every day, and to explore the world of opportunities at their fingertips. Life is exciting. It is there for the taking, but it doesn't usually happen in the living room, whilst watching re-runs.

However, sometimes it might happen in the bedroom!

Well for me anyways, it is my workroom of choice. I love sitting, propped up with pillows and with my laptop on my lap. I sometimes fall asleep like that.

You see, you can take it too far the other way too. There's that saying: "All work and no play".
There is a balance to be had in life. I'm not sure I have mastered that part yet.

To counter that, I do try and do things every day that allow me to feel all sorts of different emotions, to feel alive and not like a zombie. I go outside, feel the air on my face, take a moment to savour my cup of tea, call my mum up and tell her I love her.




Remember, opportunities and doors open when you start to venture out of your comfort zone. For me, I wrote an ebook that an internet marketer really liked, and he agreed to promote it, and it has literally changed my life. My own dreams are in reach, rather than pebbles lost on the beach, but most of all I have the confidence (most of the time) to reach for them and start to reel them in.

But, those dreams started on Steemit, and without Steemit the above would not have happened. After all, Steemit is what I wrote about. Steemit opens doors.

My current dreams are to be debt free (entirely possible when SBD rises), be in a position to help people achieve their dreams, which I am doing here on Steemit, behind the scenes and as an internet marketer. And, eventually to move somewhere nice in the country, where the girls can have a bedroom each and we can have as many pets as we’d like. I’d also like a chauffeur.

You know what?

You can make it happen too. There is a door for you, if you but look.



But, you are not likely to see it if you stay in your comfort zone.

One of the worst wasters of time is regret. You can't change the ones that already took place, but you can make sure future ones don't happen by taking steps, however small or big, to live the life you were destined to live.

Some thought-provoking questions to ask yourself could be:

  • How do I want people to remember me?
  • What will be written on my tombstone?
  • If there were no limitations, what would I want to do?
  • What am I good at?
  • What did I like to do as a child?
  • What are you willing to fight for?
  • How would you save the world?

I hope to see you in the twilight zone soon.

Written by @hopehuggs with <3
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