Our good good Father

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When I think of our Father in heaven, I become joyfull, because now I see Him differently then few years ago.
Few years ago, I used to think that God is up there in heaven, being angry on me and waiting for me to make a mistake so that He could punish me. But few years ago I encountered Him and I was shocked to see that the way I saw Him was a lie, a big lie.
When I started to read the bible, instead of finding a bad and mad God, I found a good, good Father, who is so interested in our lives, that He gave His only beloved Son, to die for us, so that we can become His children. Only a father full of love could do such a thing. He truly loves us and He made the way to Him so simple, that not even a mad man could get lost on it. He said: if you believe in Jesus with all your heart and confess with your mouth that He is your Lord, you will be saved.

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