
For those who didn't understand the title, this post will be an update on the new puppy.

Yesterday she wasn't doing so well, this is probably due to the sudden change to her diet. Since she's been here we have been feeding her high nutritional dog food which is good for her teeth, coat and bones. But her stomach was having a hard time processing all of this.

Luckily today she has been doing great, running around and chasing our poor old dog. She's a rambunctious little rascal, but she's also a very compassionate pup and loves a nice cuddle. As of this moment she's curled up on her bed having some much needed rest after playing all day.


And Lilo (old pupper) is also having a nice break from all the chaos.


Hopefully Lilo will come to tolerate the pup more and be able to play without getting aggressive but we're gonna be patient and exercise caution when those two are alone. While I doubt anything will happen, can never be too safe.

But that about wraps what's been happening the last few days. I'd like to thank anyone that took the time to read this, if you would like more updates about the puppy or like to see any other future or past posts, please up-vote, re-steem and consider following me for more content.

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