"Every minute in which you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness."

It's risky to fight a man, angry, but also more risky, and this is the time when you so. Then you will find two people as any gesture, without thinking, only to win this battle to prove that one of them is correct. Worse is that in such cases it drops heavy and it is not a place of communication. Find accusations and so.

Anger arises when we are deprived of, when our plans are rejected or the person next to us doesn't want to cooperate to help us to understand. The fact that these feelings of discomfort is a lot of times the frustration or fear: two condition that causes pain and take the form of some emotions have been injured.

To deny the feelings we have for fear of and for this reason we consume. To spend time searching for the culprit, or do we want to show how right we are. We learned better, we are taught to control their emotions, and this prevents us to speak easily and quietly about the issues that we have. Emotions, we can't stop them or run, when we want. It's impossible. But it is possible to learn to speak what we feel. Correct to say: "I'm mad" than "you're upset," because not to do anyone to blame and with the help of the message is quiet of grief.

Annoyed and angry, as you lose happiness,because after each quarrel are still many things unresolved, many dilemmas and thoughts in the fog. Thus, the relationship or friendship can decay, two people, retreats, and everything turns into disappointment. You will lose happiness. But it all depends on you. The secret is in communication. The more she talks and speaks in a calm tone and a lover, Oh, why, everything that bothers you, the easier it is to stand on a step above luckily. You can't deny the anger, I do, but quiet and peaceful. Doesn't say, "you make Me pee..." but "I feel angry when you do things without having to ask me." Knowing to speak correctly and with thinking designed you can get a more detailed conflicts with honor, without strife and suffering.

Don't forget: "every moment in which you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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