Following a Different Path

I learned a very important lesson this month. What it took for me to learn it is a long, deep story that I don't really want to get into, but suffice it to say, it was hard, sad, and emotionally exhausting. The important thing is, I learned the lesson.

I was headed down a path that I was sure was God's will for me. Certain this was the road that fulfilled my highest dreams and ensured the happiest of happy endings, I slowly became deaf and blind to what God actually wanted and was telling me. Then I received a harsh, abrupt wake-up call. I realized I was doing everything wrong.

Immediately I sought what God actually wanted me to do and what I found led me in exactly the opposite direction of where I was going. So, I turned around. I ended the pursuit of the other path, and expected pain. I expected to take a while to heal from the situation. I expected heart-break and agony and a desire to continue on that wrong path.

Instead I found peace.

Peace that I didn't realize I didn't have.

I found assurance in God. I found His love, replacing the love of what I lost.

That's how I knew I was finally doing the right thing.

The lesson I learned is actually a sweet, hopeful lesson:

When I am headed down the wrong path, if I don't hear or see or acknowledge God's guidance, He will always come through. He will break through my blindness so that I may see. It may take a painful situation, but if the pain and confusion is the only thing that will get my attention, God will allow it to happen just so He can get into my stubborn, thick head. My God will always come through for me.

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