The Breakup Seconds (Official Mutation)

After a few days earlier, the north Aceh education office issued an order, by a written letter to certify a number of officials in the service. they randomly assigned some officials, and they (officers) still work like the usual days in the north Aceh neighborhood.

t is appropriate that the agency concerned to find it hard to accept this fact, because among the few officials who are mutated, have the ability and deserve to be leaders, so each institution feels it still needs the officials and they are not willing to release the officials.

Whatever the will or willingness of the institution can not do anything because the mutation is a form of the command that must be run by the education office of North Aceh. thus, the officials in the mutation, as well as the agency concerned, must accept with sincerity.

Seconds of change (mutation of officials), Aceh society has become a separate tradition to do some things in carrying out the mutation process, the community undertakes various activities to welcome the new officials in the mutation by the education department.

One activity that we often find and has become a tradition for the Aceh community itself, the Aceh people go together to the sights to cover up their deep sorrow and get the fun (cheerful) together from the institutions.

Here I put some pictures about the visit of one of the tourist attractions in Aceh, by one educational institution, together with the institution (teachers) and new officials who are mutated by the education office Aceh.

Video Profound Sorrow Of Our Teachers

One Of The "blang kulam" Tourist Attractions In Aceh Utara

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