@abrahamcera 's Road to Kidney Transplant

It's been about two weeks since I posted something on steemit. Twenty-one days ago to be specific. Why? I have been so busy. Professionally and personally. Life in the office has been so hectic. Almost every week, there is an important event that has to be prepared and facilitated. On the other hand, personally, I have been preparing for my kidney transplant. That is what's taking a lot of time from me. Taking a lot from me.


I have already mentioned in my previous posts that I was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease last April 2017. Kidney failure, in other words. According to my nephrologist, my unhealthy lifestyle before has triggered this disease. Moreover, this might also be genetic since kidneys are not easily damaged. Bottomline, my lifestyle has always been the trigger. Fatty foods. Softdrinks. Junk foods. Salty foods. Iced teas. Energy drinks. Alcoholic drinks. Those were some of my favorites before. In addition, stress and me not drinking enough water are enough to damage my kidneys. And now I am undergoing dialysis twice a week every week for life. Or until kidney transplant happens. Or death takes my crown (which I won't let it happen). And I am only twenty-three years old. Bummer!

Kidney transplant. That is the plan. But it costs about 1.2 to 1.3 MILLION PHILIPPINE PESOS. Whoah!! That. Is. A. Lot. And that excludes the anti-rejection medications that you need after the said operation. And excludes the money needed for the series of laboratory tests (Tissue crossmatching, Tissue typing, Panel Reactive Antibodies, etc.) that the doctor will need to analyze before transplant. The mentioned cost might also vary depending on the present status or condition of the patient. Again.... That.... Is.... Too.... Expensive. Hahaha.

But at least I am eligible for the said operation. (Positive vibes only, right?). According to my doctor, not all kidney failure patients are allowed to undergo transplant. Why? Because of old age and/or some patients have complications caused by kidney disease. At least I can have a new kidney. At least I can have a second chance in life. At least my brother wants to be my donor. At least. The only problem is money.



Nevertheless, we want to start preparing for the said operation. We will solve the money problem when we get there. Together with my older sister, I and my brother (the donor) went to Metro Manila last April 5. Manila is about an hour flight by plane from my hometown.

I know this is not about the transplant. But I just want to share that it was my first time to ride in an airplane hahahaha. The three of us rode in an airplane for the very first time hahaha. Yes! First time for the three of us. We only have ourselves to help each other out. Anyway, I will make a different post about my very first flight hahaha. Back to the story.

We went to National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI) in Quezon City, Metro Manila. With God's grace, this is where I will be having my kidney transplant. My hometown does not have any facility that offers kidney transplant. So we flew to Manila, where NKTI is located.


IN THIS POST, I will be sharing the things that I have learned during my trip in Manila. This will help other dialysis patients in the Philippines, who are planning to undergo kidney transplant, have some knowledge on the process. Although, it should be noted that the step by step procedure I will mention here are my own strategy in accomplishing it. There is an ideal step by step process; but I had to be smart and flexible since our time in Manila was limited and we came from a place far from Manila. Also, we are not done yet with the process. Hence, the "Part 1" in the title.

I would also like to warn everyone, especially the young ones, to take good care of their kidneys. You might not be feeling the symptoms right now, but "prevention is better than cure", right?

First things first. You need to be eligible for the said operation. Your nephrologist can help you with this. In fact, a letter of recommendation from your nephrologist was one of the requirements needed. Second, you need to be financially and emotionally prepared. Well, for me, I am gonna let Iron Man take care of the financial part (awkward laugh). Emotionally speaking, well, that is kind of self-explanatory. But I think we can handle it. With God, your family, friends, and/or any support system you have. Just be open to change. Embrace change. Let's bid farewell to dialysis machines. And offer everything to God (or to anyone, if you don't believe in Him). Third, which is optional, is the availability of your donor. This will also include the emotional preparedness of your donor. I guess that's it.


Book your plane tickets months before the desired schedule.

So wherever you are in the Philippines, the first step would be to travel to NKTI, Quezon City, Metro Manila. Plane. Bus. Ferry. Whatever makes you happy. But plane is the most efficient and fastest. Just book your plane tickets months before so you will only pay less (has something to do with supply and demand stuff). Plus, if you are a dialysis patient, you are automatically a PWD (person with disability) so use your ID to avail discounts. The photo below proudly presents our very first boarding passes, and the PWD discount of me. In our case, we booked a ticket 3months before our flight. It was one of the cheapest plane ticket, according to my friends.


Also, I don't know the list of provinces/cities in the Philippines that have a facility that offers kidney transplant. Maybe you know one so comment and share your knowledge. But for me, I chose NKTI in Quezon City.

Find a cheap hotel/transient house (Accommodation).
We stayed in Manila for six days. This is not for the transplant-related activities only. Roaming around the city and destressing took majority of the six days. The transplant-related activities only took three days. Since we were there for about a week, we looked for a cheap transient house. It would be better if your choice is near NKTI so you would not be paying for taxi and train fares. In contrast, we stayed in Agape Transient House in Pasay, an hour taxi ride away from NKTI. Although it's far from NKTI, we stayed there because it's near the Senate Office, where we also went to to ask about any assistance they (the senators) can offer to patients like me. Also, the owner of the transient house is my older sister's churchmate.

Find a hospital/center where you will undergo dialysis during your stay in Manila.


The nearest center from our accommodation is the Nephrology Center of Pasay City (NCPC) Dialysis Inc. Just make sure to bring the following documents:
    a. Hemodialysis prescription*
    b. Doctor's referral
    c. Medical Abstract*
    d. Hemodialysis Flow Sheet (latest 3 treatments)
    e. Latest Laboratory Result
    f. Latest Hepa Profile (Anti-HBs, HBs Ag, Anti-HCV)

Some requirements are optional, represented by the asterisks. Those were listed in their pamphlet; however, the staff did not ask those documents (with asterisk) from me. So maybe they're optional. And also, additional requirements were asked from me so I can use Philhealth and lessen my expenses. Here are the requirements:
    a. Completely filled up Philhealth CF1 duly signed by the employer
    b. Member's Data Record
    c. Philhealth ID
    d. Official receipts of payments for 1 quarter prior

It should be noted that requirements vary from one center to another. Although, the above-mentioned are the most common documents requested.



According to my source (encompassing my friends, co-patients, internet, and series of questions from strangers at NKTI), this is where we need to go first. Medical Social Service Division. This is where we will meet the social worker that will hold and take care of our case. This is where we can plead our case so this division can give us discounts for the series of laboratory exams (called the work up process) our doctor will order. Yes! We need discounts for the work up because the tests are freaking expensive.


Go there as early as possible. The guard outside that division usually reports on duty as early as 7:30 AM. But, I swear, long lines can already be observed as early as 5:00 AM or earlier. Long lines. Super long lines. Give you referral letter, written by your nephrologist in your province, to the guard in duty. He will refer you inside the office and someone will give you your interview's schedule. Yes! A schedule. An interview. You, together with your donor, will be interviewed by the social worker. This is when they will decide how much discount they will give you. Discount for the work up. Discount for the laboratory tests. Not for the operation proper.

We will go back to NKTI on July 25 for our interview. When we go back, we need to pass these documents/requirements:



Again, this is the list my social worker gave to me. This might vary from one patient to another. Actually, this list of requirements are given to you after the interview. But we requested if we can have the list earlier so we can prepare/submit them as soon as we go back to NKTI on July 25. And our social worker agreed. Yay! But according to them, it should be social worker - interview schedule - interview - requirements - doctor - work up. You can insert anywhere your assistance procedure. (And tell me about that). That was the checklist my social worker gave me.

Also, you can talk with your social worker if the proposed schedule is a bit early or late for you. They are super understanding and kind and awesome. Our schedule was supposed to be on april 13. However, this was in conflict with my donor's Job Training. (my donor is on its 5th year college). So we kind of convinced our social worker to move it to July 25. We hope that we can consolidate all the requirements needed, especially the Php 200,000 security bond.

This is also one of the reasons I made this post. To knock in your generous hearts and help me build my road to kidney transplant. I would also appreciate if you can suggest any fund-raising activities.



One of the needed requirements in the Medical Social Service Division is the Certificate of pre-transplant orientation. This is also needed in other divisions, as we get nearer to transplant operation proper. Every recipient and donor should attend this orientation held at the 3rd floor Building, Filoteo Alano Auditorium, NKTI. It should be emphasized that this is only held every Fridays. EVERY FRIDAYS ONLY. We are all mandated to attend this orientation before transplant. A certificate will be given as a proof.

It was awesome. It started by briefly discussing the urinary system, emphasizing the kidneys. Then another speaker talked about the proper diet a person should follow after transplant. Everything was discussed. Heck! There was even a sister who talked about God and faith. It was a complete package. It felt weirdly peaceful. Also, testimonies from a kidney donor and recipient happened. They answered and clarified all the misconceptions, confusions, and questions about kidney disease.

I found out that in order to avail the Z package of Philhealth, you have to have at most used only 40 sessions out of your 90 sessions. In Z package, if I am not mistaken, you would not be paying anymore for your transplant operation. You will just worry for the work up and anti-rejection medications expenses. In fact, if you are qualified as an indigent, you can also reimburse your work up expenses from Philhealth after transplant. Isn't it awesome?! The photos below were taken during the pre-transplant orientation. It was cold inside the auditorium. But cold never bother me anyway. Just kidding.



You will learn a lot from that orientation. Honestly, I'm a little bit confused on some parts; but after that trip to Manila, I feel like the world is helping me. That this is for me. That transplant will happen to me. And after that, I will my co-patients have kidney transplant too.

Part 1 done. God help me. God bless us. Please do resteem!

To be continued......

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