4 Reasons I Thank God for having a Bestfriend-Sister

“Sisters, as you know, also have a unique relationship. This is the person who has known you your entire life, who should love you and stand by you no matter what, and yet it’s your sister who knows exactly where to drive the knife to hurt you the most.”

– Lisa See

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My sister is my best friend. Some of you may agree of this, but maybe some won't. Well, for me, yes, my younger sister is my best friend. :)

So, I'm writing this post for my sister who celebrated her birthday last February 2. She may be not expecting me to pen these musings.


Dear Zeny:

It was when in 2015 when I found out that you're my biological sister. I've always believed strongly that you were just my cousin. haha. Anyway, yes, we're sisters.

Here are the four (4) reasons I thank God for having a Bestfriend younger sister like you:

1. I've got a shoulder to cry on

Despite my goal-setter attitude, there are times when melancholic strikes me. But having bestfriend-sister like you is always a blessing. Whenever I'm on my "sad" mode, I can always come to your room or send an SMS to you. I'm truly grateful because God gave me a sister who knows many of my weaknesses (OAness) and my fears. With you, I can cry freely. I thank you for listening to my old stories and dramas. You even told me, "Abi-chang, you've told me about it again!" hahahaha.

“Is solace anywhere more comforting than in the arms of a sister.”
– Alice Wal

2. I've got an adviser (even if I don't ask!)

Haha. Maám! Yes, many times you've come to my room and ask for some counsel - from proofreading to _______. :D But, there were times when you would give me an honest advice without me asking you. It's weird but I'm thankful for that. For us, it's important to get updated with our lives and share secrets. We solve problems and pray together. If I try to blind myself, you would woke me up and tell me, "Hey, this is really what you feel..." Haha. Thanks dhai.

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With Christ in our home, we will never be apart!

3. I've got a Best Friend!

Having a best friend sister can be awesome. You are someone I can count on, laugh with, and share adventures with. You are one of the first persons I go to if I've got an achievement or a failure. I KNOW YOU LOVE ME EVEN IF YOU SELDOM SAY, "I LOVE YOU"! hahahahaah. I just want to tell that I treasure our friendship, our sisterhood, our relationship. It's unique and it's worth keeping.

bukidnonApril2 (14).jpg “When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us?”
– Pam Brown

4. I've got a Sister in CHRIST

Thank you dhai for being a sister in Christ. I really cried when you became the President of Iligan City District. Actually, we sobbed together. hahaha. Remember that moment? Seriously, I am so blessed that God made us closer together through the Gospel and the ministry. As time passed, I noticed that He has been faithful and true to us. He made our dreams come true together. He wiped our tears and He filled our hearts with joy. What more can I ask for?

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Zeny, although this birthday greeting is quite late already. I hope this made you smile or maybe annoyed? haha.
I love you again and again. Your Abi-chan will always be here for you - to help you, protect you (yesssss...grrrr.) , care for you, sing for you (char!), edit for you, and yes, pray for you (awwwwwe!)

Excelsior forevermore! May our sisterhood last till eternity!
I am looking forward on that day when we will stood in front of JESUS and see HIM face to face.
Dinner with Jesus in heaven is a "sister goal"!

With love,

Abi -chan

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