First step in wedding night

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First, after the marriage contract the groom should put his hand on the crown of his wife while praying

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

إذا تزوج أحدكم امرأة أو اشترى خادما فليأخذ بناصيتها (وليسم الله عز وجل) وليدع له بالبركة, وليقل: اللهم إني أسألك من خيرها وخير ما جبلتها عليه, وأعوذ بك من شرها وشر ما جبلتها عليه

If any one of you marries a woman or buys a slave then hold on to the top of his head and read 'basmalah' and pray with blessing as he says: 'O Allah, I ask for his kindness and the kindness he carries. And I take refuge from his ugliness and the ugliness of the character he carries (Abu Dawud No. 2160)

Then do the sunnah prayer with his wife

Then pray,

اللهم اللهم ارزقني منهم, وارزقهم مني, اللهم اجمع بيننا ما جمعت إلى خير, وفرق بيننا إذا فرقت إلى خير

O God, bless me and my wife, and bless them for my sake. O Allah, give me rizki for them, and give rizki to them for me. O Allah, put us together (together) in goodness and separate us (both) in goodness (Narrated Ibn Abi Shyaibah in Al Mushannaf)

Continue, God willing

dr. Ferihana Umm Sulaym and Mas Yoeb
The MCAA review is @ayah_amanah

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