격포 나들이... ^^ [Outing to the Kyokpo beach with friends .... ^^]

Good afternoon my friends....^^

한동안 글을 올리지 못했습니다.
kr에 여러가지 일이 있었지만 스스로 정화되어가는 모습에 희망이 느껴집니다.
스팀잇을 통해서 건강하고 즐거운 일상을 만들어 가시길 빕니다… ^^
I’m just posting on steemit in a week.
There were various things in kr in last week, however I feel hope at the mood going to be purified by everyone self.
I wish you would have a healthy and enjoyable life in the wonderful steemit.... ^^

집사람이 사진을 보내 왔습니다.
친구들과 격포에 갔군요.
시원한 바닷가와 푸른 녹음을 보고 잠시나마 더위를 잊어 봅니다.... ^^
My wife has sent some pictures from Kyokpo in Korea.
She went out to Kyokpo with our old friends.
I can release the heat for a while with the cool and beautiful beach scenery.... ^^






좋은 음식과 오랜 친구들…. 사진만 봐도 흐믓하군요…..^^
Good food and old friends ... . Smile is coming on my face .. ^^


가깝게 오래 사귄 사람을 친구라고 하지요....^^
어린시절을 같이 보냈고, 초등학교 중학교를 같이 다녔던 친구들입니다.
언제 만나도 즐겁고, 마음이 흐믓해 지는군요.
앞으로도 더 많은 시간을 같이 보낼수 있으리라 믿습니다….^^
Friend is a person who has lived closely and together for a long time.
My wife and I spent the childhood and elementary and middle school together.
Whenever I meet them, I was happy.
I believe we can spend more time with smile together ... . ^^


I hope you enjoy it.... ^^

Have a nice evening.... ^^

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