Steemians please demand justice for Zanib.


Zanib is 7 year old girl of a Qasoor city of Pakistan. She was kinnaped from just outside of her house when she was going to learn her religious education. Her parents were not at home as they were abroad in order to offer pilgram.

After kinapping she was rapped several times and kinnaper and raper kill her after 5 days. Her body was found at the garbage when prople were going on duties in early morning.

She was not first girl who had faced such type of brutality, in 2017 12 girls were killed after rapping, but this time people come out and demand #justice for zanib.. a socail media compaign changed into street resistence and very soon become an issue at national level.

All the parts of society are woeried about such a situation but still no serious steps have been made by govt. In order to stop such loses. As in last 5,6 years dozens of cases were reported in Pakistan in which youngsters and childs were killed in differnt ways, but no serious steps are taken by state institutes to stop such kind of incidents..

Now peopke are committed to take revange of zanib's blood. If institutes can not play their role people will take it at their hands that may will not resulted on happy ending.

I request to steemit family that raise voice for zanib that may others zanibs remain safe and we could not listen about such incidents.

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