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Strange facts about dreams

 In our dreams, we have many different things, but when we wake up we do not mention a little dream or forget it, but we try hard to remember the dream because dreams are a symbolic phenomenon that tries to tell you something for your life and help you understand it.

Strange facts about dreams

You can not read the dream

Not only can you not read during your dream, but you can not tell the time too, during the dream you can not set the time where you look at the hour in the dream you will see a different time each time.

There are inventions inspired by dreams

Many of the inventions that we use today because of the inventor of a dream like Google, the periodic table, and even the sewing machine. These inventors wrote their dreams as soon as they wake up. There are also artists and writers who dream of a painting or a book and then are interested in working.

You can dream about the future

Some people may really dream about their future, for example, Abraham Lincoln's dream that he was assassinated and actually happened, and Mark Twain dreamed of the death of his brother who passed away days later, and some people dreamed of the Titanic tragedy before it happened, perhaps if people knew that these things would happen Try to warn of things that are about to happen.

sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon that the source talks about as real and causes paralysis in the event of fear of ghosts or any danger about where you sleep, so you feel awake and try to move even though you are asleep.

Sleep disorder can hurt you or someone else

The period of disturbance in sleep and screaming is a very dangerous period in rare cases, as it may cause some fractures in the bones or furniture, and even this disorder may cause a fire in the house, according to previous statistics.

Walking during sleep

Some people walk during their sleep, often go to the refrigerator to get food, but there are people who actually hurt themselves during their walk. Some reports said a man drove the car 22 miles and killed his cousin while walking asleep. Twenty-two people killed themselves while sleeping to jump from windows .

You only remember 10% of your dreams

90% of your dreams you can not remember, you have about 5 minutes when you wake up to write what you can remember from the dream.

Blinds also dream

The blind man can not see anything in fact, but he can dream of what he does.

Babies do not see the stars in their dreams

Babies can only see the stars in dreams after reaching the fourth.

You only dream of people you've met with life

Although you may not remember the person in your dream, you have encountered this person at least once in your life. We do not dream of people we have never seen.

Not all people dream of colors

Studies have confirmed that if you live in the time of black and white TV, you are likely to dream only in black and white. As time changes and technology advances from black and white televisions to all color TVs, some people still dream of black and white.

Animals also dream

If you see a dog moving in its sleep and bouncing, make sure it dreams.

Negative emotions prevail in the dream

Emotions prevail over our dreams are negative, so we often have nightmares.

You dream more than once a night

Mostly we only remember one dream when we wake up, but the truth is that we dream more than one night's dream.

Dreams can be affected by the sleeping environment

In fact, a dreamer can be influenced by the surrounding environment and dream of what it reflects. For example, if one of them launches fire sounds around you, you might dream that you are on a battlefield or anything that has a fire.

Men and women dream differently

Men's dreams are usually more aggressive, and men often dream of men, while women become sex slaves.

You can not dream while you are in love

If you snore in your sleep, it is impossible to dream at the same time as you snore, so if you see someone snoring make sure he does not dream.

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