My World Through My Lens - Jan. 19 & 20, 2018

I was unable to put out one of these posts yesterday, which meant I missed the Jan. 19 version of how my world looks to me through my lens. That got me thinking, why did I miss? The answer is pretty simple: my world these days is pretty upside down! Towards the mid of December 2017, I took on a home renovation project that frankly got all out of hand, and became something that eats up all my day (and evening), and all the time I'm left with gets spent at work, making time my most valuable commodity these days.

This home renovation project, which I plan to later on illustrate later on (I'd certainly like to show off how my hard work has paid off), is these days the real view that my world has, and so, this photo is a glimpse of what I was seeing when these thoughts occurred to me. So, here's my "real" world through my lens, not just today, but all of these days!

IMG_20180120_155908 (1).jpg

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