12 Days Until Moving Day!

As moving day approaches closer and closer, it seems to become more overwhelming even though it shouldn't be.

The last time I moved with my fiance into our current apartment, I packed the day before we moved. I did this because I didnt own very much stuff.

I had:

  • My desk
  • My Computer
  • xbox/ps
  • cloths

However, even though I left it to the last minute and I felt confident. It put an unnecessary stress on my and the entire moving situation.

This time I have put together a different strategy which should make it MUCH easier for myself and my fiance.
I have been working from home the last 2 years and with that I have been able to devise my own schedule. With that being said.

My Strategy is as follows:
Pack everything that has little use first, eg. Books, Consoles, desk, files.

What is being packed last? Bathroom, Cloths, and kitchen. These are the things used most.

What have I done so far?

  • desk
  • Consoles
  • Winter Cloths

Box is mislabeled ;) we reuse boxes in this household!

Moving day: May 28

Please share what your moving strategy is and have you learned or would change from your strategy?


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