Dangers of Social Media Addiction

Recently, I've been noticing a few posts regarding the dangers of social media addiction.

Two that stick out:

One was by Victor Pride written a while back & one written by my boy Kyle Trouble.

And both those posts got me thinking.....

Dangers in social media addiction.PNG

They both made major points in their posts.

The ultimate point?

Social media can affect your mood.

You hear me talk about emotional intelligence all the time.

And guess what? Social media can negatively affect your emotional intelligence.

Let me explain......

Both mentioned how a long usage on social media had the tendency to either make them feel angry or sad.

And that was alarming to me.


Because last year I noticed the same.

I focused a lot more on Twitter to get my message out there while I built my steemit blog.

And during that strong focus on Twitter, I noticed a sense of information overload.

The information overload resulted to a lot of thinking.

The lots of thinking resulted into a disjointed focus.

The disjointed focus led to a poor control of my emotions.

Thought it was a coincidence, until I saw both these authors bring it up recently.

Which is why I want to warn you.

Social media can absolutely affect your emotions.

And any external material that loosens the control of your mind over your emotions makes you emotionally unintelligent.

Our generation is the first guinea pig for social media.

There is not 20 years worth of data to base studies off to get a deeper understanding of its effects on our lives.

But heed our warning on this one.

Don't wait for the data, misguided social media usage WILL come back to haunt you.

Make yourself aware asap!!

Once I realized what was happening, I realized it was time to utilize the fuck out of Buffer (Twitter automation tool) and speed up my steemit account growth.

Once the steemit blog got launched, I was able to now focus on creating my main arena & now I can simply use Twitter as a TOOL.

I want you to make sure that you are using Twitter with a PURPOSE.

Last year, my purpose was hazy.

It was a little about building a fan base, little about learning, little about waiting till my site got finished and a bunch of random stuff.

But when that was the case, I had the tendency to stay on it more working in circles.

When you do that, Kyle and Victor are 100% right!

That shit will control your mood to the tee.

With that being said.

Should you eliminate social media usage?


But be smart.

Go in with a purpose.

Are you producing?

Are you learning?

Are you networking?

Are you decompressing & having fun?

Whatever it is, set time limits & don't spend all day just hanging out there.

Take care of business & move on.

Whatever your social media platform of choice is, make sure you curate your feed & use it as a vehicle for growth.

Do NOT let it control your emotions.

Be emotionally intelligent and level up.

Last year, I learned my lesson real quick.

This year, I use Twitter as a vehicle to spread my ideas & expand onto other avenues.

Next time you are on social media for too long, ask yourself, whats the purpose?

Make sure you aren't letting it hack into your mind & penetrate to your heart.

We keep it real on this blog..

Stay woke fam.

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