Top Lesson To Learn From 8 Mile

Ever seen the movie 8 mile?

In the beginning of the movie its Eminem's shot to prove his rap skills to the entire stage!

This is his moment to be a star.

But what happens?

He ends up choking on stage.

The same thing often happens in the public speaking world.

You think the speech is going to go perfect.

But as you get on stage, you forget what you were going to say, and start spazzing out.

You see a bunch of eyeballs staring at you, judgmental faces & sighs of dissapointment.

And you?

Standing on stage like a straight up deer in the headlights.

Yes, you choked.

In your world, you have made eye contact with the public speaking boogeyman.

But in reality?

It ain't that bad.

Some of the greatest speakers you know have had there fair share of choke jobs.

Heck, Eminem choked before he became one of the Kings of Hip Hop!

Don't sweat it.

You got the worst part out of the way.

It's only up from here.

Question is are you going to quit, or actually take the journey to the top?

Because if you are, then Hustle Hacker got you & I will help you prepare your mind, speech & delivery for the big day.

The public speaking boogeyman is actually very misunderstood.

Don't be afraid of choking.

Be afraid of not trying.

Because as they always say in the Toastmasters' world:

*The best speakers were once not the best speakers.

Keep re-reading till you pick up the lesson.

8 mile.PNG

Till tomorrow.

Hustle Hacker 💲 💲 💲

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