Safe removal of fruit flies; from my kitchen!

I cleaned (and ate, yummy) a bunch of strawberries, and found that some fruit flies wanted them too. They settled for the trash, and before I noticed them, they set up shop in my kitchen! Now you can't swat fruit flies, too small. I didn't want to spray sll over my kitchen, but they HAD to go! So how to preform the murders? I decided to trap them.

Fruit flies can't resist rotten fruit, so with apple cider vinegar, I can trap these pests. I took a foam plate, and put the vinegar in it like this:


Then I added water and liquid soap, to break the surface tension the fruit flies use to land, drink, and take off again:


The trap was set, I put it where they were thickest and gave them 24 hours:


It was a bad day for the fruit flies! Reloading the trap for another run right now! There are not many left, YES!

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