Why Failing Leads to Wins

Yesterday, I recorded a video regarding confidence with my buddy Tony.

And in this video, I realized one major life principle.

Multiple Wins x Analysis = Win.

Our entire lives, we were conditioned to believe failures were a bad thing due to the school system.

In school, we were given a reward for the result, not how hard we worked.

But in the real world?

It's all about how hard we work & persevere no matter how bad it looks. I never believed in luck. I believed in staying with it consistent for long enough.

whyfailure leads to success.PNG

In our almost 1 hour video, Tony & I discuss how failures ultimately lead to confidence.

Confidence is a superpower in today's world.

Our entire lives, we thought confidence was something that was stumbled upon.

But no. There are frameworks to follow to become more confident.

Within the next 2 weeks, I will be releasing my book, 'Level Up Mentality" How to re-engineer your mind towards Confidence.'

This book will help you learn the principles & frameworks behind confidence & how to keep a competitive advantage.

Stay tuned.

Hustle Hacker 💲 💲 💲

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