What are your Questions About Confidence?

Tomorrow, my friend @tonytrillions, also known as Purpose Creates Impact, and I will be shooting a d-tube video regarding confidence.

This video is long overdue.

'Why is that?'

Because both of us used to be very unconfident.


Tony & I have very similar stories.

Both of us grew up as the awkward kids who got bullied, were shy & thought our fates were sealed.

But luckily, both of us had a breaking point where we realized that we were too young to call it quits.

'So what did you do?'

We went on a journey to level up.

In our journey, we were able to learn a lot about confidence, mindset, emotional intelligence & much more. But most importantly, we learned that it is never too late to turn your life around.

If you are someone struggling with confidence & want to turn your life around, then now is your time.

I want you to respond with the questions you have regarding what's holding you back.

Once our discussion session ends, we will both be answering your questions.

So ask away.

Hustle Hacker 💲 💲 💲

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