The next section Four Season of a Country

I am sorry that it has been so long since the last post. I have been busy building an engine for my son's car to drive 60 miles to worki each day. If you would like a copy of this book just email me at and put some thing like send me the steemit book and I will send you the pdf file to your email.


It is a well-known fact, maybe not so well-known, that the life of a country follows four seasons. These are:
• The spring, this is the time of the beginning. It is the birth of a new country, or a new government.
• The summer, the summer is the time of growth. It is when the country becomes more involved in the world and less involved right to the individual service.
• The fall, in the fall the country sees its greatest productivity, the rights of the indi-vidual and the need for larger government have achieved a sort of a balance.
• The winter, the winter season starts see development of class, general the classes are separated into the rich and the pool.
Everything in this world had a beginning. All things seem to follow four season cycles. Spring is the country’s birth. This period of time is characterized by the pain and the throes of giving birth to new ideas and a new government. This might even be the time of revolu-tion. Some have compared this time to giving birth to a child. It just does not happen with-out pain and change.
The government has to be made correctly. The United States government started out wonderfully.. At the time the United States was formulated it was a totally new idea. No-where in history had a Republic been formed that was based upon the vote of the people and the integrity of the elected. It was so devised that it would not be a hodgepodge mess like a true democracy and yet it would avoid the probability of becoming a tyrannical gov-ernment as long as the people paid attention to who they were voting for and how they let the government be organized.

That was a new concept, a government of the people by the people and for the people, and that was the way it was set up in the original Constitution. It would work well forever, as long as the people were vigilant and watched over their government. These are some of the factors that make this a wonderful government. The representatives of the government were not paid officials. They were expected to serve their time in Congress or whatever the office was and then go home the rest of the year and make their own living. It was a government of the people not a government of the government.

This kind of government allowed for great innovations and great growth. It allowed for the expansion of the United States from the original 13 colonies across the entire continent. If the people had continued to apply the principals upon which the government was based this country probably would have included Mexico and Canada as well.
In the end of the countries spring, greed began to replace the idea of the free enterprise.

Tyranny starts when the people lose sight of what their government is. Another point of change is when they decide that the government ought to be telling their neighbor what to do rather than the neighbors getting together and deciding what they’ll be doing together The agreement of neighbors, as a way of deciding, what the right things to do in the neigh-borhood are lost. The Constitution of these United States was designed to protect the indi-vidual rights of the citizens. One of the requirements of the Constitution that was not in-cluded in the original Constitution was the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights ensures the rights of the individual under the government.

This type of government ensures that wealth is protected and that it’s available to any-one who is willing to work. In other words you own your own land in those times. If you want to drill a well you drilled the well. If your neighbor wanted to build house, she build a house. If your log cabin didn’t stand up to the wind, that wasn’t your neighbors fault or the government’s fault. That was your fault, it was your responsibility to do it right the first time.

This season of spring in government breeds individualism and personal rights. It creates entrepreneurs and those willing to take a risk to succeed. It’s up perfect environment for new inventions to develop a new ideas and new thoughts. It’s a perfect time for writers of the creative instinct to produce their new works. The spring season of our country is really that season sets the stage is for the creation of the wealth of the people that country.

The summer season of the government is the time of expansion. This is the time when the government starts to get involved in other things. The government becomes involved with other countries. And in this season it begins to grow and take up more responsibility from individual citizens. The summer season, in the development of a country, is the time when the citizens need to be extremely alert so that they will not lose her individual free-doms. The summer season is when tyranny starts. It’s the time that those who have attained great wealth conceived the idea that they are better than those that don’t have as much.

This is the season of government that it starts to become a government of the govern-ment and not a government of the people. During this season the people must exercise ex-treme vigilance to protect their freedom and for the freedom of generations to come.
During the summer season the businesses that were started in the spring grow and the weaker are weeded out. This is both good and bad. As the businesses become larger they begin to exercise influence over the government for their advantage. This usually takes the form of more money for the business and an unfair pay for the producer. The idea that the rich get richer and the poor stay poor is born.
During the summer season we begin to see one country trying to dominate another country. As a country grows in strength and size it begins to think it’s invincible. The only country that had a chance to avoid this cycle was United States of America if this country would have continued to follow the Constitution as it was created it would have remained aloof from as many wars as possible and things of that nature.

When the United States of America entered into foreign wars rather than to defend itself it became corrupted since military expansion is not phase that is part of the true growth of the country. The westward expansion of the United States was pretty much an evolutionary cycle probably not easily avoided. When the United States became involved in European problems it made itself vulnerable to being exploited by those countries and for the secret societies to begin to take over the control the government. This is typical of the summer cy-cle of a country. Its growth cycle and the things that go on in large government, wars, world involvement, and individual rights begin to decline drastically. These actions led to the Great Depression of the United States the 1930s and 1940s. What some would say was the winter cycle. It really was just part of the summer cycle, the up and downs that could be compared to the natural cycles of the human body.
The fall season of a country is when we see the greatest changes within the country. We see the nearly complete loss of individual freedoms. We see the country being structured so that the rich definitely get richer and the poor get poorer and stay poor. We see a country trying to become world dominant during this season. Some examples are the Nazi regime in Germany, the communist regime in Russia, and now the in United States we have the Obama regime. All of these are designed to create a few people with tremendous power. This par-ticular action is all based upon greed and power. The individual rights are totally forgotten. These leaders believe that they know exactly what’s right for the people and they will force them to do what they want them to do. That’s what they ought to do, and that’s the way they ought to live. Now the place where I see a comparison with this is in the Scripture in the holy Bible. This was Satan’s plan, I will bring all my souls back to my father by guiding and controlling them and eliminating their agency to choose right or wrong. After all I know what’s right and they don’t.

The exercise of agency or the right to choose the direction of one’s life is very important in the evolution of a country. When the citizenry of a country lose this right, individual free-dom is gone. At this point we see the dissolution of the family and we see the government taking charge of everything. This leads to groups being formed whose only purpose is their own gain. These groups may take the form of businesses, social organizations, religions, and governments.

The result of this is the loss of individual choice. The individual really has two choices,1) he can become transparent to the government by doing his own thing and just staying out of their way,2) He can be a member of one of these groups supporting the government and forcing his fellow beings to do their will. This is the path that most follow. This path allows them to be on the government Dole and supposedly have everything they need provided for them. Many like to think that this is not done at the expense of others. This is the true defi-nition of socialism, give me what I want so that I don’t have to work for it. Now this is sup-ported in government by the ability the government to support people and buy votes.

When the government increases to this level, we no longer have a democracy but we have a totalitarian government operated by a group of people that the citizenry thinks they elect. This then becomes a government of the government and not a government of the people. This is the time when we developed the alphabet agencies, the NSA, FBI, office of homeland security and of course the IRS.

At this point we have virtually lost the middle class people. We have the rich, rich and the poor, poor. Many may not believe this but in reality this is how it. Throughout history the rich become richer and maybe the level of the poor is higher than it was before but their personal rights are still just as low. They are told how to build their houses. They are told how to farm or whether they can farm or the government pays them not to farm. This leads to the inevitable event that has occurred in nearly every country in the world over 200 to 250 years old. That event is a shortage of food. The real risk is of this point is when a coun-try’s history or seasonal cycle happens to coincide with a cyclic change in climate. Things can get really dicey for the people of the country and the world. Usually we see a large number of countries developing on approximately the same timeline and if they reach the fall and winter stage of development at nearly the same time then starvation becomes the norm.

Of course at this period in history the government will do anything to maintain its power and to prevent revolution and rebellion. This is when we start seeing wars for no reason. We get involved in the internal effects of other countries. We try to dominate other countries to force our way of thinking. And we create wars because these wars distract the people and create a unity for the people to follow the government.

The fall season of a country really is not pretty. It’s the harvesting of the people by a few the think they’re smarter and deserve more than the rest.


The winter season starts with the rich sharply separated from the poor. Individual rights are gone. The government is always right and the government is taking more and taxing to higher levels for no reason. The government implements armed action against citizenry. This armed action can take the form as it has today of a large number of heavily armed SWAT teams. This was best illustrated by the Gestapo of Nazi Germany. At this point in history the United States has not quite reached that point. Within a 50 mile radius of where I live in a farming community that is a relatively rural area of the state Washington. We have six heavi-ly armed, fully staffed, with armored vehicles, and 24-hour a day, on call SWAT teams.

The economy begins to decline during the winter season of the government. This is caused because the ability of the individual has been restricted. The individuals the longer feel they need to achieve to become better, or to learn new things. The majority the soon want to live off the social services provided by the government without doing anything. When this happens, who is going to produce the products necessary to keep the society running? Well of course, what happens is the government intervenes and tells people what they have to do.

The government controls schools so they teach the young people what they want them to know rather than what history has taught. The school systems in the United States today no longer require the students to read the United States Constitution or the Bill of Rights. The government does not want people to realize that those founding documents have been totally violated. When this happens the country begins to go into what can be called dor-mancy mode. Riots occur because people starve from lack of food. Nobody’s producing and if there’s a food shortage of the rest of the world the country cannot buy that food. For exam-ple United States in 2014 is importing about 80% of the food that it consumes. All the while some of the most fertile farmland in the world lies fallow because the government is paying the farmers not the farm. This is been going on long enough that there’s no longer machin-ery to farm that land.

This will lead to rioting in the cities because of food shortage. The government of United States at this point has determined that there is no solution to this problem. They’ve decid-ed to reduce the size of the population. That will be accomplished by containing the people within the cities and letting them burn themselves out and starve to death. Some experts in this field estimate that 65 million people will starve to death in the United States in the next 25 years. Why is that possible and what some of the indicators? The office of homeland se-curity has procured over 1 billion rounds of hollow point ammunition. By international trea-ty this ammunition cannot be used off American soil. Therefore the only purpose of this ammunition is to contain the people in the cities. They have also purchased personal body armor for nearly all other personnel, both the office personnel and the field enforcement personnel.

As this dormancy and oppression of the country occurs the economy goes through eco-nomic collapse. The country can no longer afford world trade because their currency is no longer worth anything. The predicted plight of the United States is that the US dollar will no longer be the world reserve currency or the world value for exchange. When this happens inflation in the United States will skyrocket for a short period of time and then be followed by great devaluation of property and money caused by government policies. Harry Dent in his book, the demographic cliff predicts that this will happen in late 2014. Another example of this is the rise of the cyber currency bitcoin.

Now the country is definitely in the winter cycle and this becomes a renewal. The people become dormant for a while but they will again realize what the true values of life are and a new country with new values will be formed or the old one will be repaired and go back to the standards of the original Constitution.

There you have the four seasons of a country what you need to do in each of these cases I can’t tell you. The one thing I can tell you is to be prepared your own home and in your own family to take care of yourselves and to develop cooperation with your neighbors and good relationships with them. If you have these kinds of relationships and personal prepar-edness you will survive and this can become a period of great blessing for the family and in-dividual. They can also become a time when you have time that you can use for creative purposes. That is the four seasons of a country.

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