The Inside Job of 9/11/01: 15 Years Later

Where were you on September 11, 2001?  I bet you remember.  For those of you reading this who were too young to remember it - or weren't born yet - it was a terrible day. It started like any other Tuesday, but by 9:00AM (EST), our world had changed.  A lot of us knew that something horrible had been on the horizon for a long time.  We'd simply had too many years of relative peace leading up to the attacks.

Remember when the towers collapsed?  What did your gut tell you?  What did your brain tell you?  Mine said: "My God, they've been forced to implode the towers."  When I heard the World Trade Centers imploded due to the heat resulting from the attacks, I knew it was a lie.  It was a lie that I did not want to believe.  I wanted to believe that an evil boogeyman, named Osama bin Laden, a Central Asian cave dweller, was solely responsible for planing the attacks.  It was fun to hate someone - or a very large group of people. 

It took several years of denial and anger from the supposed attacks on the United States to revert back to the gut feeling I had while I watched the attacks unfold.  It was the feeling of uneasiness; it was the feeling that something just wasn't correct in the narrative.  Even in the early 20s, I had the life experience to realize that complicated treachery, like the USA PATRIOT ACT and the creation of the Gestapo-like Department of Homeland Security, was not conjured in the days following the attacks. I realized that being in denial was wrong; real human beings needed to tell the truth.  

I know my gut is right; it usually is.   I studied the Kennedy Assassination as a child.  After Oliver Stone's 1991 film was made on the topic, it became a lifelong obsession.  These two events, both ostensibly "investigated" by commissions of morally and politically corrupt individuals.  In reality, both formed to created "official lies."

Only in 2016 are most people beginning to see the grand conspiracy unfolding.  Earlier this year, redacted forms of the missing 28 pages from the 9/11 Commission Report were made public, revealing Saudi Arabia's role in the attacks.  This is the same nation that has poured millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation.  One the the Clintons is running for president.  This is what happens when we have one government instead of 7 billion governments.

The new boogeymen of the world are here, and they are members of a group called "ISIS" or "ISIL."  World leaders are ready to send millions of young soldiers to their deaths in a war that has no business being fought.

Like the Kennedy Assassination, it will take a new generation of people to truly expose the 9/11 inside job.  I hope our children, and our children's children, will be those generations.


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