
I hate things like this. Anytime I hear "State to regulate...", or "Government now requires..." I get my hackles up. This bill would require abortion clinics to educate their client on adoption. While I think that someone making a tough a choice should be fully informed about all of their options, the State telling a business how it is going to operate pisses me off. It should piss you off too. Take away the abortion emotional reactionary feelings you have either way. This is government forcing a business to operate in a way that is contradictory to how that business is managed.

Do I think that women coming in to get an abortion should be made aware of adoption as another choice? Absolutely! I do not own or manage an abortion clinic. Since I don't have the right to tell a business owner how to do something or what to do, I can't delegate a right I don't have to a third party to do it for me. Ultimately we will see some clinic out there not following this rule and somebody will get sued at the taxpayer's expense.

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