I Dreamed of Ancapistan

This morning I woke up and jotted down what I remembered about my dream last night. I stood on a pier to a large floating city. In my dream I was elderly, about seventy years old. I was shown to my apartment by lady in her twenties with the youthful enthusiasm befitting her age. My apartment was large, but by no means overly spacious. It was a one bedroom with a kitchen/dining area, and space for either an office or typical American living room. (Couch, TV, etc.)

The whole place hummed with activity, and the people who lived and worked there were friendly. You would often hear people talking about how bad it was back home, and how they were glad they moved here when they did. This place was jokingly referred to as "Ancapistan", or "Libertopia". All of us were engaged in the only real world experiment of voluntary interactions free from the violence of the State.

Just thought I would share.

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