You May Just Be a Libertarian

Every two to four years one sees a heavy coating of 24 by 18-inch yard signs in lawns across America. They preach the same message, "Vote Democrat" or "Vote Republican". Much like the signs themselves, the politicians they represent are all cut from the same material. It does not matter which suit you send to Washington. The words they speak at home will most likely not match the actions they take once in power. They succumb to the riches offered by lobbyists or pressure from other elected officials. More regulations are passed and government grows larger and reaches its hand deeper into your pocket.

While these are the people we send, it seems these are not the people we want representing us. Most people, when asked, love the ideas of liberty, freedom, and personal responsibility. Most people would say that what their neighbors do in their personal life is their own business. Most people seem to think that they deserve to hold onto and decide how to spend the money they have worked so hard to earn.

The Constitution was designed to limit the scope of government power. The bill of rights does not grant you your rights, it protects those rights from being infringed upon by the government.

Libertarians believe that the role of government is to protect the rights of its citizens and to defend against those who would wish to do harm to the nation or its people.

Libertarians believe in self-defense but do not believe that aggression or coercion should be used to advance one's agenda. (see Non-Aggression Principle)

If you believe these things too then you may just be a Libertarian. Feel free to take a short quiz and find out:

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