The End of the Great

As I sit here and think of what content to write about (as there is so much) I feel that no matter how good a story or how compelling the truth, it only holds value to its readers and usually dies there. This country was not only great at one point in time but is still great. By great I mean extraordinary as in there are not many places, not only founded on the rights we value but with the opportunities it provides.
Why do we continually allow ourselves to be governed by people who “claim” to hold our values and beliefs when they prove time after time that money and power is their only motivating factor.
We have all seen the protests “occupy wall street” and the up roar the populous made to no success. Protests used to mean something, a statement if you will where the “controlling” would or may recognize change is needed. Now I feel it’s all for not, no matter the cause or the size, they are simply ignored.
Ever heard the phrase water will follow the path of least resistance? It’s also one of the most corrosive/destructive liquids on earth eating away at coast lines, pipes internally, metal, rock, whatever it needs to make a path. When will we enact that determination and change to give ourselves and future generations the best outcome possible?
There will come a time when the choice is no longer ours and the future will be written by others who have capitalized on living off of others via our debt, and by then it will be too late. The simple fact that this façade we live in today has gone on as long as it has is mind blowing. Maybe it’s due to the ease and simplicity of life that we live, the ability to go get whatever you want from the store or have delivered instantly. Whatever it is, a curtain has been pulled over our eyes and we are blindly walking a path. Only the ones leading us can see what’s ahead, and without full transparency we will lose the future.

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