Right now, in this place in history, the left have made free speech a right wing idea.


Back in the 90s, Christopher Hitchens held a public interview with John and Tom Metzger. There were no racist dog whistles coming from the Metzgers; really, they were racist trumpets. Hitch was critical yet calm and cordial with them despite his clear frustration. What makes this hour-long interview more than worth a gander is that Hitch wasn't there to virtue signal; rather, he was there to give the Metzgers enough rope with which to hang themselves.

Basically, Hitch was behaving like a liberal.

I'll never say, "Nobody can convince me." except as an example or ironically. The moment I hear those words I just hear pride in closed mindedness. I will say that it's a steep hill to climb to convince me that the left isn't eating itself right now.

People are constantly telling me that I'm getting hyperbolic when I say that the left is shouting "Nazi!" at everybody to the right of Bernie Sanders; but, if you're going to tell me that I'm being hyperbolic, stop shouting "Nazi!" at everybody to the right of Bernie Sanders.

Bret Weinstein has always been a member of the liberal left who got ousted, threatened, no-platformed because he dared to say that Evergreen's "Day of Absence" was counter productive. Sam Harris has always been on the liberal left; but, now he's labeled a neo-con because he criticizes Islam and doesn't shit on Israel all the time. Bill Maher is suddenly Alt-Right in the minds of a lot of the illiberal left because of his almost perfect defense of free speech. Dave Rubin is suddenly Alt-Right by association because he's willing to talk to people the way that Hitch was.

I don't think that any of these people, with the possible exception of Dave Rubin, will ever embrace a right-wing label themselves; but, if you're willing to eject allies because they disagree on a handful of issues and tactics in the attempt to cleanse your side of the spectrum, eventually, the right is going to become the liberal side because the illiberal left is pushing us out the door.

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