The discrimination

Hello to this beautiful community, this time I will talk about all kinds of Discrimination. Then I write the definition of Discrimination.


It is an act of aggression where a person is excluded from a sexual group, ie homosexuals, blacks, whites, people with disabilities, people by their physical characteristics. These discriminatory acts affect society in a negative way and weaken their self-esteem and create cluster barriers in them. Discrimination today is very controversial, since there are social entities and public entities that make laws responsible for controlling these acts. There is also Xenophobia that consists of contempt and discrimination against people from other countries. Racial discrimination also plays a very important and delicate role, as the contempt for people of another color, it is important to note that despite wars, the abolition of slavery and human rights decrees to combat racism still exist cases of discrimination.

Another type of discrimination of great renown is the mistreatment of women ... The superiority in strength and brutality of man has led him to mistreat and abuse her both physically and mentally. There is also the discrimination of low-income people who have gone to live far from the inhabited areas of people with better quality of life, and from there comes the derogatory term they receive from these MARGINAL people. Homophobic discrimination is a person who rejects because of their sexual orientation these people call themselves bisexual and transsexual homosexuals.

This is an important issue in society since many cases have been seen about them. I repudiate these acts of rejection to all these people. There must be equality and not discrimination between ourselves, I have also been rejected at times by my skin color and it feels very ugly. That's why I'm talking about this topic because it's not fair to be treated so there are people who burn homosexuals who kill them. We are human beings and we deserve respect wherever we come from, whether we are blacks, whites, homosexuals, etc.

I feel very proud of my color and where I come from and nobody has the right to mistreat me for that.

Then I will write an article of the constitution of the republic of Venezuela that says:

From Article 19 to Article 31. Of the Bolivarian Constitution of Venezuela, is contemplated the rights and enjoyment of all people without any discrimination whatsoever.
With this my friend finished my publication, hoping that he was pleased.
And ending by telling him how we are always more human.

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