Every Human is Ontologically Free To Make Choice


Every human is Ontologically free, but this freedom comes with responsibility. No one can be responsible for the choice you make in life, this choice can be either good or bad. Every human action comes with consequence. No one can run away from the consequence of his/her action. The more you try to run the more trouble you are calling.

Making good decision involves a lot of factors, which need to be consider before taking action.

  1. Never make decisions in vacume, you need sufficient information before make decisions. The decision you make will affect you and people around you. There is need to subject it to critical analysis
  2. If you rush into a project you will jump out nothing need to be jump in without sufficient information. Good project gives opportunity for reflection before making them.
  3. Stay away from hype, it will make you end up make wrong decision
  4. Form your investment decision base on your experience and experience of others you trust.

Crypto investment is about decision making, it will be unwise to invest in a company you know little or nothing about. This is the number one mistake people make in this industry. I did similar mistake during the last bull run, honestly the crypto market humble me. My little $500 end up at $150 it was a crazy experience. I did jump on project because of fast and huge return on investment. You need to reflect critically in crypto your investment decision it can either lead to positive or bad choice , no matter the outcome you need to learn to accept the consequence of your investment. You only need to invest what you can afford. Stay away from hype project always find what a project is about before the buy into it . I don't like coin without a use case because it leads to scam and loss of fund. In each bull run we notice huge inflow of investors into the crypto market but many of them end up losing their money. Some of them learnt in a hard way.
People are been fool that crypto trading or investment is so easy, many don't want to know the technical aspect of crypto. They only think you will buy when the price is low snd sale when the price is high.

The place of knowledge and experience can never be jettison. In this market knowledge, skill , information and experience is what that drives the market. You need sufficient knowledge before you make your investment decision. You need sufficient information before making your investment decision. Never by a coin base on emotions or hype, you need to stay focus and make you research. When the hope is going down your knowledge will make you stand out. There is big room to learn from does that as gone ahead of you. Invest more in your crypto education.

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